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Columnist Kasbarian Releases Dikranagerd-Armenian Dialect Dictionary

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  • Columnist Kasbarian Releases Dikranagerd-Armenian Dialect Dictionary


    By Contributor // December 9, 2013

    Teaneck, N.J.-After years of compilation, a new dictionary of
    words and expressions from the Dikranagerd-Armenian dialect is
    now available. Titled, "Inch g'usis": A Dikranagerdtsi Vernacular
    Handbook," the term "Inch g'usis" literally means "What do you say?"

    in the dialect of Dikranagerd.

    Authored by Charles Kasbarian, "Inch g'usis": A Dikranagerdtsi
    Vernacular Handbook showcases the earthy and humorous dialect of
    Dikranagerd, presented in English transliteration. Kasbarian is
    also known as "C.K. Garabed," the columnist behind "Uncle Garabed's
    Notebook," which has appeared in The Armenian Weekly for almost
    25 years.

    No one knows how many Armenian Genocide survivors were integrated
    into Turkish society, nor how many native Armenians may remain,
    though hidden away. In either case, there are few, if any Armenians
    in the Diarbekr region of Western Armenia (present-day Turkey) who
    still speak the native dialect. As a result, it is likely that the
    dialect of Dikranagerd will become extinct in our lifetime. Aside
    from this obvious fact, Kasbarian explained his reasoning for creating
    "Inch g'usis?": "The Dikranagerd dialect is my native language. In my
    childhood, while trying to converse with non-Dikranagerdtsi Armenians,
    I would get laughed at for what they perceived to be a queer way of
    speaking. But in my maturity, I realized that there was a lot to be
    said for dialects - the one of Dikranagerd in particular."

    As such, Kasbarian took on the task of trying, in some small way, to
    document elements of the Dikranagerd dialect for posterity. And so,
    he began to note Dikranagerdtsi words and phrases, which grew into
    the present collection. "And far from being laughed at," Kasbarian
    continued, "linguistic scholars have consulted me on the virtues of
    the dialect which they feel is worthy of preservation."

    To make the work widely accessible, Kasbarian decided to put the
    handbook online. The work can be freely accessed on Kasbarian's
    Armeniapedia page: sliteration

    Included are words and terms "A" through "Z", a section on
    Dikranagerdtsi nicknames, and an Armenian alphabet mnemonic. Arranged
    alphabetically and containing a pronunciation key, the handbook
    offers many colorful phrases, interjections and exclamations such
    "Kher eghnah" ("May it be useful or good," often said when somebody
    sneezes); "Leghin badri" ("May his gall bladder burst," meaning "May
    he drop dead."); "Jivit godreh, doun nusdi" ("Break your leg, stay at
    home," meaning "Stop gadding about."); and "Kna kni" ("Go to sleep,"
    meaning "Get out of here."). Parents of young children are cautioned
    that there are many ribald entries.

    Kasbarian grew up, during the Great Depression, in Union City, New
    Jersey - which was once heavily populated by Dikranagerdtsi Armenians.

    Over the years, he has presented folk tales and skits in the
    Dikranagerdtsi dialect at cultural evenings held in the New Jersey
    area. Also in progress on his Armeniapedia page are his The Dikranagerd
    Mystique Armenian Cookbook; a number of articles about growing up
    Dikranagerdtsi; Oyin Mi Tavli, a one-act play in the Dikranagerd
    dialect; and The Dictionary of Armenian Surnames.

    Says Kasbarian of "Inch g'usis?", "like everything else, there are
    bound to be missing

    words and phrases and even mistakes, in which case readers should
    feel free to bring them to the attention of the author." Kasbarian
    can be reached at [email protected]
