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Iran's Revolutionary Guard Commander Slams Govt. Over West Influence

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  • Iran's Revolutionary Guard Commander Slams Govt. Over West Influence


    December 11, 2013 - 19:11 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - The commander of Iran's elite Revolutionary Guard
    force has criticized the government of President Hassan Rouhani as
    being under the influence of Western ideas, a sign of the growing
    tensions between the competing power centers, Reuters reported.

    Major General Mohammad Jafari's comments are some of the sharpest to
    be made by a senior official in public since the moderate Rouhani took
    office in August pledging to improve Iran's relations with regional
    countries and the West.

    The government's diplomatic initiative led to an agreement with six
    world powers last month under which Iran is to curb its disputed
    nuclear program in return for limited relief from sanctions that have
    squeezed its economy.

    The interim accord has been widely welcomed by Iranians but hardliners
    are irked by the foreign policy shift and apprehensive that they
    are losing influence over Iran's most powerful man, Supreme Leader
    Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

    "The military, systems and procedures governing the administrative
    system of the country are the same as before, (but it) has been
    slightly modified and unfortunately infected by Western doctrine,
    and a fundamental change must occur," Fars news agency quoted Jafari
    as saying on Tuesday, Dec 10.

    The comments by Jafari - the commander-in-chief of the Islamic
    Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) - underline the changing circumstances
    since hardline president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad left office after
    two terms.

    During those eight years, the IRGC was able to strengthen its
    involvement in economic and political affairs of the country, a role
    Rouhani is intent on reversing.

    Jafari also appeared to dismiss calls by Rouhani and Khamenei for
    the force to stay out of politics, saying its duty was to protect
    the Islamic Revolution.

    "The main threat to the revolution is in the political arena and the
    Guards cannot remain silent in the face of that," he said.
