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ANKARA: It Is Not Only About The EU Connection

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  • ANKARA: It Is Not Only About The EU Connection


    Hurriyet Daily News, Turkey
    Dec 12 2013


    The Ukrainian government's decision to suspend the Association
    Agreement with the EU on Nov. 21 started a series of protests around
    country. These are the largest protests since the Orange Revolution
    in 2004. The biggest crowds are gathering again in Independence Square
    ("Maidan Nezalezhnosti") in downtown Kiev, where the protests leading
    to the 2004 revolution took place. The number of the protesters has
    grown in reaction to the violent crackdown of the police over last
    weekend, and now hundreds of thousands of people are gathered at
    the Maidan not only to support the EU process, but also to demand
    resignation of the president and the government.

    The pace of EU-Ukraine relations was boosted following the Orange
    Revolution, but slowed down significantly after the election of
    current President Victor Yanukovich in 2010. The negotiations for the
    Association Agreement, including a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade
    Agreement, were expected to be finalized at the Eastern Partnership
    Summit in Vilnius on Nov. 29. But it didn't happen, and Yanukovich
    turned decisively to Russia to save the day.

    Ukraine has been squeezed between the EU and Russia for some time
    now; and the EU's demands, in addition to Russian pressures, were
    instrumental in the failure. Beyond political and economic reforms,
    the EU demanded the release of the opposition leader Julia Timoshenko
    - who was jailed in 2010 on charges widely believed to be politically
    motivated - as a precondition for the agreement. Having accomplished
    many reforms for the sake of the EU process, Yanukovich does not
    wish to risk his political career by relying too much on the EU, so
    the country demands closer relations with Russia instead. Besides,
    he now sees Timoshenko as a serious contender in the 2015 presidential

    Russia, on the other hand, has viewed every Western move into
    the post-Soviet space as an existential threat since the so-called
    colored revolutions. In response to the attempts by the EU and NATO to
    build up closer relations with the countries in the region, Russia,
    to sustain its influence in the post-Soviet space, has developed
    various projects, such as the Eurasian Custom Union with Belarus and
    Kazakhstan. Armenia has recently agreed to join and Russia has been
    insisting on Ukraine joining too, instead of signing an agreement
    with the EU. To persuade Ukraine, Russia did not shy away from
    using its economic and energy cards. Over the summer, it banned
    imports of some goods from Ukraine and imposed new and difficult
    regulations for many other goods originating from Ukraine. It also
    threatened the Ukrainian government with cutting off of natural gas
    in winter or increasing its price as a punitive measure. Ukraine,
    which is heavily dependent on Russian gas and faced Russian punitive
    measures twice before, could not ignore such threats. In the end,
    after Yanukovich backed down from signing the agreement with the EU,
    Russia offered a generous loan and reduced the gas price.

    The current unrest in Ukraine not only relates to Ukraine's future
    anymore; it is a battle for the soul of Ukraine between Russia and
    the West. Russia has already shown the seriousness of its intention
    to claim and maintain its dominance in its near abroad with the
    Russian-Georgian war of August 2008.

    Following Armenia's decisions to join the Eurasian Custom Union in
    September 2013 and now Ukraine's decision not to sign the agreement
    with the EU, the West lost precious footholds in the region.

    However, this is not the end of the story for Ukraine yet, where
    thousands are still protesting. In a country where such crowds once
    managed to change a government, the end result is not a foregone
    conclusion, and the final result of the tug of war between Russia
    and the West is yet to come.

