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An Open Letter To Congressman Adam Schiff

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  • An Open Letter To Congressman Adam Schiff


    Conflict in Syria has severely impacted the Christian community there,
    among them the Armenian community

    Editor's Note: Last week Asbarez published an op-ed by Rep. Adam
    Schiff, who urged intensification of efforts by the international
    community to assist the Christian community in Syria. Zaven Khanjian,
    the chairman of the Syrian Armenian Relief Fund, has submitted an
    open letter to Rep. Schiff, which we publish today. We would like to
    stress again that opinions expressed by individuals do not necessarily
    reflect the policies of Asbarez and any organization, on which the
    publication reports, nor do we necessarily share the views expressed
    toward Rep. Schiff or any other public official.

    Congressman Schiff,

    With utmost pain and bewilderment, I read your article about "The
    Plight of Syria's Christians" on the December 4 issue of Asbarez Post.

    Finally and after nearly three years of uninterrupted and vicious
    covert action for a regime change in Syria, enthusiastically supported
    by you and your misguided colleagues on Capitol Hill, you come to
    plainly and accurately describe the open graveyard that my birthplace,
    Syria, has turned into.

    Accounts of witnesses and conditions on the ground testify to the
    fact that

    death, destruction, displacement and despair in recent wars past,
    fade away compared to what the perpetrators of this calamity succeeded
    in achieving in Syria.

    And you Congressman, supported those who were intent on destroying

    You supported the sanctions imposed on Syria in which the Syrian
    Christians were equally victimized.

    You supported the funding, arming and invasion of Syria by gangs of
    extremist fanatics whose imported symbols of freedom and democracy were
    depicted in kidnapping bishops and nuns, slashing throats of Christian
    priests and the desecration of Christian & other houses of worship.

    Through your silence and lack of condemnation you supported the
    repeated violations of Syrian sovereignty by Israel and its destructive
    air raids on targets where Syria's Christians, proudly serving the
    Syrian army were naturally among the targets.

    And at the threshold of the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide,
    do I remember a condemnation of Turkey's role in opening the gates
    of HELL on "good neighbor and friendly" Syria, allowing the funding,
    training, arming and access of the world's jihadists through it's long
    joint border? Did I hear you condemn Turkey's role in the destruction
    of the Genocide survivors' safe haven, the heroic city of Aleppo,
    and the attack on the Armenian Genocide monument in Der El Zor?

    You were one of the first to hail the Obama Administration's 'bright"
    decision to compound the pain and suffering of the Syrians, including
    Syria's Christians, by remotely bombing Syria for an ugly crime ( a
    last desperate effort of the foreign criminal gangs in Syria trying
    in vain, to secure a foreign intervention? ) . And you only changed
    your mind, Mr. Schiff, after witnessing the tsunami of opposition
    from the American people against any kind of attack on Syria.

    And when did this love of Syria's Christians wake up in you, Mr.

    Schiff? And what's so special about Syria's Christians?

    Your enthusiastic support of George Bush's war on and occupation of
    Iraq resulted in the demise of hundreds, the displacement of thousands
    and the exodus of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi Christians from
    their ancestral lands.

    Your blank-check support of Israel's discriminative policies,
    perpetual occupation, land seizure, settlement expansion, violence
    against the indigenous population in occupied Palestine have long
    ended the "continued vitality" of the two thousand year old Christian
    communities, including the exodus of tens of thousands of Armenians,
    who once called Bethlehem, Jerusalem and Palestine, the cradle of
    Christianity, their home.

    Shall I continue with Egypt, Sudan or Lebanon?

    Enough said about your care and compassion for Christians in the
    Middle East.

    Congressman, spare us the insult of shedding crocodile tears over
    the Christian communities in Syria and the Middle East.

    For a century indeed and the last 40 years in particular, The
    Christian communities in Syria lived in peace, security, prosperity
    and an atmosphere of cultural & religious freedom, until the allies
    you supported, introduced "freedom" and "democracy" to the region.

    Congressman, when it comes to Syria, silence, and a hands-off policy,
    will be the best demonstration of respect towards the Plight of
    Syria's Christians.

    Respectfully, Zaven Khanjian

    From: A. Papazian