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Western Prelacy News - 12/13/2013

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  • Western Prelacy News - 12/13/2013

    December 13, 2013
    Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America
    H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate
    6252 Honolulu Avenue
    La Crescenta, CA 91214
    Tel: (818) 248-7737
    Fax: (818) 248-7745
    E-mail: [email protected]


    Saturday, December 14 is the Feast of St. James of Nisibis. On this
    occasion, we congratulate our faithful bearing the name Hagop.
    By the invitation of the Crescenta Valley Church Pastor and Board of
    Trustees, on Sunday, December 15, H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian,
    Prelate, will celebrate Divine Liturgy and deliver the sermon at the parish,
    which holds its services at the Prelacy hall.


    On Saturday, December 7, 2013, H.E. Archbishop Moushegh
    Mardirossian, Prelate, traveled to San Francisco where he joined the parish
    community in celebrating the 47th anniversary of the establishment of St.
    Gregory Church.
    On Saturday evening, the Prelate attended a New Year and Christmas
    dinner organized by the Ladies Auxiliary and hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Sako and
    Nora Shirikian. Mrs. Shirikian welcomed the Prelate and guests and conveyed
    season's greetings to all. She also recited a poem by Mesrob Der Mesrobian,
    a conversation between new and old years in which the old asks from the new
    to convey a message to mankind; to live in such a manner that you do not
    have regret tomorrow for something you could have done today but chose not
    Ladies Auxiliary Chair Mrs. Ano Chakalian delivered welcoming
    remarks and invited the Prelate for the blessing of tables and his message.
    The Prelate greeted the members of the Ladies Auxiliary, expressing
    appreciation for their efforts in organizing the dinner. His Eminence
    reflected on the past year with its joys and sorrows alike, and in the words
    of the poet wished for the new year to be filled with goodness. He
    commended the devoted servants of the church and wished they continue their
    path of service to new successes.
    On Sunday morning, His Eminence celebrated Divine Liturgy and
    delivered the sermon at St. Gregory Church. Parish Priest Archpriest Fr.
    Khoren Habeshian assisted at the altar. Krouzian-Zekarian-Vasbouragan
    School and Sunday School students participated in the service.
    Prior to the sermon, on behalf of the parish community Fr. Khoren
    welcomed the Prelate, expressing appreciation for his presiding over the
    anniversary celebration.
    The Prelate first greeted the faithful and congratulated the Pastor,
    Delegates, Board of Trustees, Ladies Auxiliary, altar servers, choir, and
    all the volunteers for their service, and invited the congregation to join
    them and contribute their part in the advancement of the parish. Speaking
    on the 47th anniversary, he stated that it is not only an occasion to
    celebrate the nearly half-century history of the church and honor the
    founding generation, but also as an opportunity to pledge to working towards
    future successes by building on the achievements of the past.
    Next, given that it was the third Sunday of Advent, His Eminence
    reflected on the divine gift of redemption and salvation offered to us by
    the Birth and Revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ and the tidings of peace,
    love, hope, and goodwill. The Birth of our Savior continues to offer hope,
    inspiration, and meaning to our lives, and guides us towards goodness, love,
    and righteousness, said the Prelate, and as faithful Christians we must give
    thanks and gratitude to Almighty God each and every day for His abundant
    blessings. His Eminence noted that this time of year however is an
    exceptional opportunity for Thanksgiving and Christian charity as it is the
    season of giving and sharing our love and blessings with the less fortunate.
    On Thanksgiving Day, this spirit of kindness and charity resonated
    throughout the Armenian nation as Armenians around the world rallied to
    support the Armenia Fund Telethon benefitting our brothers and sisters in
    Armenia, Artsakh, and Syria, stated His Eminence, but we must be mindful of
    their needs throughout the year. Furthermore, referring to the message of
    the day's Scripture reading from Luke 14:12-24, the Prelate stated that we
    must give with good intentions, without the expectation of reward or honor.
    His Eminence commended the generosity of all the sponsors who contribute to
    the progress of our homeland, among them Vartkes Anivian who recently passed
    away in Armenia, and conveyed his condolences to his widow Alice and family
    It is the duty of every Armenian Christian to serve God, and to
    serve for the advancement of our church, nation, and community; if we are to
    sustain our faith, language, values, and culture for centuries more, we all
    need to take an active role and work together with brotherly love and unity
    towards that goal. We must begin with our youth, planting the seeds of our
    faith and heritage in them now so they grow cemented in their Armenian
    identity and eager to take on leadership roles, continuing the path and
    mission of our forefathers, stressed the Prelate.
    In conclusion, he congratulated the parish family again on their
    anniversary, and once more called on the faithful to join together and serve
    for the progress of St. Gregory Church, KZV School, and the community with
    renewed vision and vigor, with faith and devotion, and most important with
    humility, selflessness, sincerity, and without the expectation or motive of
    accolades or honor.
    Given that December 7 was the 25th anniversary of the devastating
    earthquake in Armenia, during the requiem service, prayers were offered for
    the tens of thousand of our brethren who lost their lives in the tragic
    earthquake. By the ordinance of the Prelate, requiem prayers were offered
    in all Prelacy Churches for the souls of the victims.
    The service was followed by a luncheon in honor of His Eminence
    hosted by the Board of Trustees and Ladies Auxiliary at "Vasbouragan" Hall.
    KZV students Talar Arzoumanian and Nayri Ayanian recited Vahan
    Tekeyan's "The Armenian Church", after which Board of Trustees Chair Mr.
    Rostom Aintablian delivered his welcoming remarks. Mr. Aintablian greeted
    the Prelate, wishing him health and success. Addressing the guests, the
    Chairman congratulated the 47th anniversary of the parish, promising that in
    2016 the 50th anniversary will be celebrated with great ceremony. Fr.
    Khoern also conveyed his congratulatory remarks, and invited the Prelate for
    his message.
    Referring to the words of our Lord from Luke 8:18, "For whoever has,
    to him more will be given; and whoever does not have, even what he seems to
    have will be taken from him", the Prelate said if we see that our efforts
    are not enough to achieve success, with regards to preserving our identity
    and heritage, than more needs to be done so that our identity is not lost
    what we do have is not taken from us, as it says in the passage. In
    conclusion, the Prelate again commended all the church servants and the
    importance of such gatherings after church services as a means of fostering
    Christian love and fellowship among the faithful.
    The celebration came to a close with the benediction by the Prelate,
    after which His Eminence had a private meeting with the Pastor and Board of


    On many occasions throughout the year, students of Prelacy Schools
    visit the Prelacy to meet with H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian,
    Prelate, receive his paternal blessings and message, and become better
    acquainted with the Prelacy and its endeavors. Each year prior to the
    Christmas break, the first grade class of Vahan and Anoush Chamlian pays a
    visit to the Prelacy to convey their Christmas greetings to the Prelate and
    receive a lesson on the feast from His Eminence.
    This year's visit took place on Tuesday, December 10, 2013. Ninety
    students, accompanied by Vice-Principal Rita Kaprielian, Armenian teachers,
    and parents, arrived at the Prelacy and were welcomed by the Prelate at the
    "St. Dertad and St. Askhen" Chapel. His Eminence was joined by Archpriest
    Fr. Nareg Pehlivanian, Rev. Fr. Vazken Atmajian, Rev. Fr. Gomidas Torossian,
    and Rev. Fr. Ghevont Kirazian.
    The visit continued at the "Dikran and Zarouhie Der Ghazarian" Hall.
    Schoolteacher Armenig Hairabedian greeted the Prelate and clergy, and
    described the visit as an opportunity for the young students to convey their
    well wishes to the Prelate for the New Year and Christmas and to hear his
    message on these occasions.
    Before presenting a program of songs and recitations, four students
    conveyed New Year and Chrismtas greetings and well wishes to the Prelate,
    and promised that they would follow the message of St. Mesrob and Vartan
    Mamigonian and live as proud Armenians.

    Mrs. Hairabedian invited the Prelate to deliver his message. With a
    slide-show presentation His Eminence told the story of the Birth of our
    Lord, from the Annunciation of the Angel to His Birth in Bethlehem to the
    visit of the shepherds and magi. The interactive session included a back
    and forth exchange of questions and answers between the Prelate and
    students. The Prelate announced his great joy at the Christmas gift he had
    just received, the gift of their visit and their pure and sweet wishes,
    stating that soon we will all be filled with great joy as we celebrate the
    Birth of the Baby Jesus. God gave mankind the greatest gift by sending His
    only-begotten Son, said His Eminence, and advised the students to follow in
    the example of Jesus Christ and live with prayer and good deeds, trusting in
    the care of the Lord. In conclusion, the Prelate reminded them to keep
    their promise and remain allegiant to the values of St. Mesrob Mashdots, St.
    Vartan Mamigoniaan, and the forefathers of our faith.
    At the conclusion of the program the students presented gifts to the
    Prelate, and His Eminence presented them with illustrated Bible story cards.


    On Friday, December 13, the Prelate attended a meet and greet with
    California Senate President Pro Tempore Darrell Steinberg hosted by the ANCA
    - WR at Peschekerian Center in Glendale.
    Among the official guests in attendance were Los Angeles City
    Councilmember Paul Krekorian, Glendale City Councilmember Zareh Sinanyan,
    and Glendale Board of Education members Nayiri Nahabedian and Dr. Armina
    Gharpetian. ANC-WR Board members and staff were joined by community leaders
    and members who had come for the opportunity to personally meet and converse
    with the Senator.
    Welcoming remarks were delivered by ANC-WR Board Co-Chair Mrs. Nora
    Hovsepian. Councilmember Krekorian introduced Senator Steinberg, who
    affirmed his support for Armenian Genocide recognition and his readiness to
    continue working with the ANCA on issues relating to the Armenian community.


    On Thursday, December 12, the Glendale Police Foundation and the
    Glendale Police Department held a retirement celebration dinner honoring
    Chief Ron De Pompa's 36 years of service to the community and welcoming new
    Chief Robert Castro.
    The Prelate attended the celebration where he delivered the
    invocation and his message. He was accompanied by Rev. Fr. Vazken Atmajian.
    St. Mary's Church Board of Trustees Chair Mr. Zareh Markarian was also in
    The Prelate met personally with and conveyed his well wishes to
    both the outgoing and incoming Chief of Police. In his invocation, His
    Eminence thanked and commended Chief De Pompa for his 36 years of service to
    public safety and wished him healthy and happy years to come as he enters
    retirement. He welcomed new Police Chief Robert Castro and wished him
    success as he assumes his new responsibilities. The Prelate also offered a
    prayer for the safety of all police officers and safety personnel as they
    serve for the protection of our communities.


    On the evening of Friday, December 6, 2013, the Western Prelacy
    hosted the book presentation of Christian Education Director Very Rev. Fr.
    Muron Aznikian's The Christian Armenian Family and Christian Education. The
    event was held under the auspices of H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian,
    Prelate and was organized by the Board of Trustees of the North Hollywood
    Parish. The Prelate presided over the event, joined by clergy members and
    Executive Council Chair Mrs. Rima Boghossian.
    Board of Trustees Chair Mrs. Seta Tarpinian welcomed the guest and
    invited Mrs. Takouhie Arzoumanian, who would serve as the evening's Master
    of Ceremonies. The MC reflected on the value of the book and invited Dr.
    Onnik Keshishian to present the book.
    A cultural program followed, presented by St. Mary's Church soloists
    Rima Garabedian and Vahakn Hovents.
    Mrs. Sona Madarian then introduced Fr. Muron and invited him to
    deliver his remarks on this occasion. Fr. Muron thanked the Prelate and
    organizers for their support and efforts, and stressed the imperative of
    upholding Christian values within our families and instilling them in new
    The program concluded with the Prelate's message. His Eminence
    commended the publication of a book on this important subject matter, and
    that the compiling of writings by Fr. Muron, previously published in the
    Prelacy's and Catholiciosate's publications, can now be made available to
    families in one complete volume. The Prelate reminded the guests that His
    Holiness Aram I had dedicated the year 2004 to the Armenian Family, and on
    that occasion the Prelacy had highlighted the importance of Christian
    education and instruction in the Armenian family as a defense against
    outside influences. The Prelate also stated that this publication is an
    invitation for readers to remain allegiant to the values that shape our
    identity as Armenians and form Armenian families on the foundations of our
    religious and national heritage. His Eminence concluded by commending the
    initiative to make copies of the book available to the public at no cost and
    allocating donations received to the North Hollywood Parish in support of
    its plan to have its own church.
    The event came to a close with the Prelate's benediction and the
    Cilician anthem, after which guests enjoyed a reception hosted by the Board
    of Trustees.
