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BAKU: Azeri official calls for Russian, Iranian pressure on Armenia

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  • BAKU: Azeri official calls for Russian, Iranian pressure on Armenia

    ANS TV (Azeri), Baku
    Dec 11 2013

    Azeri official calls for Russian, Iranian pressure on Armenia

    [Translated from Azeri]

    A senior Azerbaijani official has accused Armenia of disrupting
    regional peace and stability and urged Iran and Russia to exert
    pressure on that country.

    "We are completely confident that if Armenia... is located in our
    region and that if Armenia is currently conducting a policy of
    occupation, then it bears international responsibility. Other
    neighbouring states [Iran and Russia] should not be indifferent to
    this international responsibility of Armenia and its policy of
    aggression. Other neighbouring countries, Iran and Russia, should
    exert pressure on Armenia as it is mainly Armenia who disrupts peace
    and stability in the region," Azerbaijani Deputy Foreign Minister
    Xalaf Xalafov told reporters in remarks aired by privately-owned ANS
    TV on 11 December.

    In the meantime, Baku-based opposition Yeni Musavat newspaper
    expressed cautious optimism about the resolution of the Nagornyy
    Karabakh conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia.

    "Following the [Azerbaijani and Armenian leaders'] Vienna meeting [on
    19 November], the meeting between [Armenian Foreign Minister] Edvard
    Nalbandyan and [his Azerbaijani counterpart] Elmar Mammadyarov in Kiev
    [on 4 December] can be regarded as an announcement of a further
    intensification in the [peace] talks," the newspaper said.

    The daily pointed out the "special activeness" in the resumption of
    the peace talks that it said was demonstrated by James Warlick, the US
    mediator in the Karabakh peace talks between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

    Yeni Musavat quoted Warlick as saying: "The latest talks conducted in
    Vienna and Kiev showed that the sides want to break the deadlock...
    However, one should admit that this requires strong political will."

    The daily added that the absence of Russia's Karabakh mediator from
    the 5 December Kiev meeting between Azerbaijani and Armenian pundits,
    Eldar Namazov and David Shahnazaryan, which was organized by the US
    mediator, showed that Russia was not happy about the US activity over
    the conflict settlement.

    BBCM note: Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and his Armenian
    counterpart Serzh Sargsyan met in the Austrian capital Vienna on 19
    November after a two-year break to discuss a peaceful settlement for
    the disputed Nagornyy Karabakh region. The OSCE's Minsk Group,
    co-chaired by France, Russia and the USA, has mediated peace talks
    between Yerevan and Baku following an early 1990s war over
    Azerbaijan's breakaway region and a cease-fire reached in 1994. The
    Azerbaijani authorities have been particularly critical of the
    mediators for their failure to secure a final peace treaty.
