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ISTANBUL: Question only 1 percent of our kids could answer correctly

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  • ISTANBUL: Question only 1 percent of our kids could answer correctly

    Hurriyet Daily News, Turkey
    Dec 14 2013

    Question only 1 percent of our kids could answer correctly

    Ä°SMET [email protected]

    The results of the PISA test were out last week, which the
    Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) conducts
    among its member and other participating countries or cities to test
    their 15 year old students' skills and knowledge.

    If you are interested in the subject, you may have seen tiny stories
    and some articles. You have not seen a comprehensive debate; whereas,
    the topic of education is a matter that closely concerns almost every
    family in Turkey, where there are 17.3 million students.

    Most probably you have read that Turkey was again failing in PISA. We
    love to beat and criticize ourselves mercilessly. The PISA results
    once again made us do that and maybe some were quite satisfied with

    Well, what kind of a test is this PISA that it can test and compare
    with each other the skills and knowledge of students in Turkey,
    Finland, the US, Mexico and Korea simultaneously?

    Do the aim, target and curriculum of education in all these countries
    match each other that we have such a means of comparison?

    The PISA test which has an incredible accumulation of knowledge and
    designing behind it is based on one essential assumption: The aim of
    education is to equip the student with `critical thinking' skills.
    This what the PISA essentially tests. In other words, there is no
    point in looking at the PISA results and say, `How sad; we have scored
    448 in the math test.' What we need to say is this sentence: `Our
    critical thinking skill is only 448 points while Shanghai has 613

    Well, is the aim of our education to teach critical thinking to
    students in light of the knowledge they learn in school and from other

    The questions of the PISA test were secret previously, but this year
    questions were disclosed for the first time.

    This is one of the `6th level' questions in math that determine the
    highest level of skill:

    `Helen went to the river 4 kilometers away from her house with her
    bicycle in 9 minutes. On her return she used a 3-kilometer short cut
    and her ride took 6 minutes. What was Helen's average speed of the
    whole journey?'

    The 15-year-old students from China's Shanghai city were the most
    successful in this question with 31 percent of them answering this
    question and other questions on the same level correctly.

    Only 1 percent of the 15-year-old students taking the same test from
    Turkey have correctly answered the level 6 questions, which also
    included this question.

    I am sure our 15-year-old kids are able to answer much tougher
    questions in the math field in all those kinds of central exams they
    sit. But when it comes to reading, interpreting and forming simple
    connections, obviously we stumble.

    Actually if we can find why our children are having difficulty in
    reaching the correct answer, that is 28 kilometers per hour after two
    simple additions and a multiplication, we will then be able to find
    our huge system problem in education.

    Dare to criticize false information!

    My son is 10 years old and he is a 4th grade elementary school
    students. I looked at his class notes the other day and I saw that
    after World War I, it seems that Armenians had invaded the east of
    Turkey and we, during the Liberation War, not only fought against the
    Greeks in the west but had also fought against the Armenian invasion
    in the east.

    Is it possible to reach critical thinking with this utterly false
    information? If my son told his teacher in class, `No dear teacher, it
    was the Russians not the Armenians who invaded the east of Turkey but
    even before the World War I ended, Turkey had taken back the entire
    east from the Russian army, including Kars and Ardahan it had lost
    much before; we have actually never fought with Armenia,' I wonder how
    my son's school life would be from that point onwards?

    We are trying to teach our son critical thinking at home; we are
    encouraging him but look, our son is encountering `national lies' at
    school. And he is taking serious lessons while is only 10 on living
    his life with these lies and spending his life in this hypocrisy.

    *Ä°smet Berkan is a columnist for daily Hürriyet in which this piece
    was published Dec 10. It was translated into English by the Daily News

