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Russia-Israel Alliance Vs. Armenia

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  • Russia-Israel Alliance Vs. Armenia

    Russia-Israel Alliance Vs. Armenia

    Answering the question of Golda Meir what would happen if the United
    States and the West turned away from Israel, Abba Eban (Aubrey Solomon
    Meir Eban), the foreign minister of Israel in the 1970s, said it's not
    a big deal and Israel would become the 16th republic of the Union.

    The objectives of rapprochement of Israel with the USSR and Russia
    were set in 1985 when Mikhail Gorbachev became the head of the USSR.
    One of Israel's strategic goals was neutralization of Russia in the
    Near East and afterwards subject it to the interests of Israel. To
    this end Israel supported Yeltsin and his campaign which was mostly
    made his friends of Israel.

    However, Russia alone is not a preferred partner to Israel. Israel
    intends to strengthen its foothold in Eurasia, and the Eurasian
    Congress of Jews, an influential organization, is working towards this
    goal. In other words, Russia is viewed as the key to Eurasia.

    According to mass media reports, the Israeli foreign minister Avigdor
    Lieberman is hopeful that the agreement on the establishment of a free
    trade area between Israel and three countries of the Customs Union -
    Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus - will be drafted and signed next year.

    It is not a surprise that Israel's friends in Europe, Russia and the
    United States were set against the rapprochement between Armenia with
    the European Union which Israel considers its main enemy after Iran.
    Israel and Russia have common interests, including Turkey and
    Azerbaijan. While it is more complicated with Turkey, Israel and
    Russia closely cooperate over Azerbaijan, first of all in terms of
    supply of arms.

    Israel supplies modern weapon to Azerbaijan and helps with supply of
    Russian weapons. Israeli companies participate in their design. Now
    Azerbaijan relies on political and military aggression against
    Armenia. This is Russia and Israel - there is no doubt.

    The Israel-Turkey-Russia troika, despite several problems, is being
    reinforced and has successfully thwarted the rapprochement of Armenia
    with NATO and the European Union, having sufficient levers for that.
    By the way, one should remember that the activities of pro-Russian
    Armenian figures, both at the break of the 1980s and the 1990s and
    now, are under the close scrutiny of the friends of Israel and Russia.
    Now the actual goal of the Israeli-Turkish-Russian alliance is to
    block Iran and thwart the improvement of the U.S.-Iranian relations,
    in which other states are interested as well. Armenia has a definite
    role in these plans. Armenia will undergo strong pressure that will
    lead to its ultimate regional blockade. Armenia's integration with the
    European Union would have prevented such misery of the country.

    Igor Muradyan
    17:36 14/12/2013
    Story from News:

    From: Baghdasarian