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Iran sends second monkey into space

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  • Iran sends second monkey into space

    Iran sends second monkey into space

    15:46 - 14.12.13

    Iran's president has said that the Islamic Republic has successfully
    sent a monkey into space for the second time, part of a program aimed
    at manned space flight, the Inquierer News reported.

    Hassan Rouhani's website said Saturday that the rocket used liquid
    fuel for the first time. It did not say when the launch took place or
    give other details.

    Iran frequently claims technological breakthroughs that are impossible
    to independently verify. The Islamic Republic has said it seeks to
    send an astronaut into space as part of an ambitious aerospace

    Iran said that it sent its first monkey into space in January. One of
    two official packages of photos of the simian space traveler depicted
    the wrong monkey, however, raising doubts among international
    observers as to whether the launch was as successful as reported.

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