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Armenian youth protesting pension reforms

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  • Armenian youth protesting pension reforms

    Armenian youth protesting pension reforms

    13:15 - 14.12.13

    An Armenian youth organization has voiced its protest against
    President Serzh Sargsyan's recent statement expressing a positive
    opinion on the government-approved compulsory pension accumulation

    `It was clear from the very beginning that the authorities would not
    agree to any concession. It wasn't something new, so we didn't come to
    a surprise,' Gerasim Vardanyan, the leader of the ARF-D's Nikol
    Aghbalyan Student Organization, told, commenting upon the
    president's Friday speech at the Ministry of Economy.

    `The authorities do not clearly want to retreat, but we do not either;
    so we will do our best,' the youth activist continued.

    Vardanyan said they can dispute the decision at the Constitutional
    Court before deciding their future strategy with the political forces
    representing the parliamentary opposition.

    `We have expectations that the CC will pass a fair ruling,' he said.

    As for the future campaign, the activist promised that they will
    resort to every possible step to have the bill annulled. `This is a
    call to the society to make it realize that they are to decide
    everything, without relying on a political force. If we have
    50,000-60,000 people in the street instead of 5,000-6,000, the
    situation will be different,' he added.

    From: A. Papazian