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Armenia Thwarted 100th Anniversary

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  • Armenia Thwarted 100th Anniversary

    Armenia Thwarted 100th Anniversary

    The Turkish foreign minister Davutoglu has announced that the
    deportation of 1915 was wrong, noting at the same time that the
    Armenian-Turkish relations do not have a past like that of the
    German-Jewish relations. On the one hand, Turkey speaks about just
    memory, on the other hand, it administers an obvious injustice of
    memory. How come that the Armenian-Turkish relations do not have a
    past like that of the German-Jewish relations?

    The past of the German-Jewish relations is the genocide of the Jews,
    the Holocaust. It underlies the German-Jewish relations of the past
    few decades. Germany has recognized the genocide of the Jews and has
    recently paid out the contribution to Israel.

    By saying that deportations of 1915 were wrong Davutoglu denied the
    genocide of Armenians in Ottoman Turkey. Or maybe the Turkish foreign
    minister thinks it was wrong to deport, it was necessary to kill them
    altogether; later there would be no Armenian Diaspora, and the
    Diaspora would not have caused problems for the republic of Turkey.
    Perhaps therefore Davutoglu is dissatisfied with deportation.

    Despite the economic and cultural progress of the Turkish republic,
    Turkey's flexibility and wiliness in diplomacy are mythical because
    they are overly predictable. Turkey is always wily in the same way.
    The purpose of Davutoglu's `just memory' is crisp and clear. Ankara
    has launched a policy that intends to involve the Armenian government
    in any negotiation framework ahead of 2015 or at least touch the world
    and show how Turkey bothers itself to improve the relations with
    Armenians and that there is no need to spoil everything by unnecessary
    claims on the Armenian issue.

    At this point Ankara needs Moscow's support. Moscow may use its
    influence on the Armenian government to push Yerevan to meet with
    Ankara at least. Turkey does not need much, only meetings that bring
    nothing. Moscow can ensure that. In return for this Ankara may agree
    to the idea of deployment of Russian peacekeepers in Artsakh. Ankara
    may offer Russia its influence on Baku. This influence is not equal to
    Russia's influence on Yerevan but it should be given a try.

    Ankara hopes, of course, that this option will not come true. Turkey
    needs to start a process that will last till May 2015. Over this
    period Ankara also hopes to start another process, Western
    counteraction to the plan of Russian peacekeepers. Ankara is obviously
    waiting for the West to try to agree with Ankara to make sure it will
    not support the Russian plan. In other words, Turkey expects to start
    two parallel processes to rid of the `jubilee' pressure of the
    Armenian issue and, on the other hand, boost tensions between Russia
    and the West to benefit from them.

    The West, namely the United States is down another road. It is trying
    to involve Iran in the game and Europe keeps up with the United
    States. Recently the European Parliament has decided to send a
    delegation to Tehran to start negotiations. On the other hand, the
    West could not discard the idea of reaching an agreement with Ankara.
    Simply by involving Iran in the game the West expects that Ankara will
    be more interested in reaching an agreement than the West.

    Armenia is the middle link. Possibilities are big but there is no
    sovereignty. Yerevan has to give up on its `jubilee' claims,
    transforming this process from a political one to a purely cultural
    one. In political terms, this process, a popular one a few months ago,
    is now something unnecessary and disturbing because Armenia that was
    going to hold the lead position has chosen Russia to be its leader.

    Therefore, Turkey resorts to the old, beaten wile revealed one
    thousand times, knowing very well that though everyone knows it is
    clear hypocrisy it will be worn but will work this time thanks to
    Armenia's inadequacy.

    Hakob Badalyan
    22:15 13/12/2013
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    From: Baghdasarian