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ARS Celebrates The Year Of The Armenian Mother

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  • ARS Celebrates The Year Of The Armenian Mother

    Tuesday, December 17th, 2013

    Above: ARS members and guests took the stage to recite poems. Below:
    photographs of early 20th Century famous Armenian mothers lined
    the hall.

    GLENDALE-Performers Nune Avetisyan and Hovannes Shahbazian entertained
    to celebrate the "Year of the Armenian Mother" and raise funds for
    Armenian Relief Society (ARS) programs in the Western United States
    on December 8, 2013, at the Brandview Banquet Hall in Glendale,

    ARS-WUSA General Manager Jasik Jarahian, who emceed the event,
    explained that His Holiness Catholicos Aram I had declared the year
    2013 as the "Year of the Armenian Mother." Photographs of early 20th
    Century famous Armenian mothers lined the hall, along with Christmas
    decorations. ARS Central Executive Board Member, Annie Kechician,
    who is the liaison to the western region, attended the event.

    ARS-WUSA Regional Executive Chairperson Lena Bozoyan presented the key
    address, praising mothers and ARS members for their motherly love, for
    providing hope, warmth, confidence and security for the organizations
    and people of the community. Bozoyan looked back on how Armenian
    mothers acted throughout history with self-sacrifice to uphold their
    homes and people. She applauded the role of the ARS members in helping
    those in need as well as passing our history and culture to the youth.

    The event featured beautiful combinations of poetic messages and
    recitations by artist and TV personality Nune Avetisyan, and a musical
    performance by singer Hovhannes Shahbazyan

    Bozoyan asked the attendees to remember during our Christmas
    celebrations: the Armenians of Syria, wherever they are; families
    experiencing financial crises; women being subjected to domestic
    violence; soldiers protecting our national borders; and Javakhk
    villagers struggling to live under harsh conditions. She thanked
    Jasik Jarahian and Maro Kechichian for their role in the success
    of the event, and all the sponsors, members and guests for their

    The event continued with beautiful combination of poetic messages
    and recitations by artist and TV personality Nune Avetisyan, and
    musical performance by singer Hovhannes Shahbazyan. In addition,
    brave and talented ARS members and guests came on stage to perform
    for a friendly audience.

    The holiday atmosphere lifted the spirits and helped to raise funds
    for vital ARS programs.

    The Armenian Relief Society of Western USA, established in 1984 and
    with regional headquarters in Glendale, CA, has 27 chapters and more
    than 1,200 members in five western states. The ARS-WUSA operates a
    Social Services Division and Child, Youth, and Family Guidance Center,
    and funds numerous youth programs, scholarships, and relief efforts.

    For further information, please visit or call
    (818) 500-1343.
