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City Of Highland Reaffirms Commitment To Sister-City Partnership Wit

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  • City Of Highland Reaffirms Commitment To Sister-City Partnership Wit

    Wednesday, December 18th, 2013

    A greeting sign welcomes people to Highland, California (Photo:
    Chris Stewart / SF Chronicle)

    HIGHLAND, Calif.-Under external pressure from the Consulate of
    Azerbaijan, City of Highland Councilmember Jody Scott unsuccessfully
    attempted on December 10, 2013, to overturn a previous unanimous
    Council decision to establish a sister-city partnership with Berdzor,
    Nagorno Karabagh.

    Her failed effort was overcome by the unwavering leadership displayed
    by Mayor Pro Tem Larry McCallon and the remaining councilmembers who
    valiantly stayed on course with the partnership despite Azerbaijan's
    improper attempt to exert undue foreign influence over our democratic
    principles and practices.

    "Agents of foreign governments such as the Azeri Consul General have
    no business meddling into the affairs of our local governments here
    in the United States. The fact that the Azeri Consulate is trying to
    exert its influence to thwart our democracy is absolutely unacceptable
    to us as Americans, and the fact that a sitting local elected official
    can succumb to such foreign pressures is even more disconcerting,"
    stated ANCA Western Region Government Affairs Director Tereza
    Yerimyan. "Fortunately, democracy prevailed as our grassroots base
    in the area responded to our Action Alert and mobilized itself. We
    were proud to have been able to work with Mayor McCallon and the
    councilmembers in putting this issue to rest, and we look forward
    to providing the necessary assistance and resources to help their
    sister-city partnership with Berdzor grow and prosper in the years
    to come," added Yerimyan.

    Mayor McCallon presented the resolution after personally traveling
    to NKR and witnessing first-hand the commitment of the local Berdzor
    government and people to peace, democracy, and economic freedom and
    development. The resolution was approved by the Council with a 4-0
    unanimous vote on November 26, 2013, which included Councilmember
    Scott before she changed her mind under Azeri influence.

    In a scathing letter addressed to City of Highland Councilmembers
    on November 27, 2013, the Consulate of Azerbaijan criticized the
    Council's decision and attempted to cast doubt by falsely accusing
    Armenia of ethnic cleansing against the entire population of Lachin
    (Berdzor). Additional letters from the Youth Wing of the New Azerbaijan
    Party and other citizens of Azerbaijan also flooded the councilmembers
    with similar false propaganda. However, Azerbaijan's attempt failed as
    councilmembers learned more about Azerbaijan's past and current human
    rights violations and bullying tactics against Armenia and Artsakh.

    With less than a day's notice of Councilmember Scott's intentions
    to overturn the previous decision, the ANCA Western Region notified
    residents in the area of the foreign pressures and activated its base
    with an Action Alert that encouraged community members to voice their
    support for the sister-city.

    The Republic of Nagorno Karabakh (Artsakh) is an integral part
    of historic Armenia that was arbitrarily carved out in 1921 by
    Joseph Stalin and placed under Soviet Azerbaijani administration,
    but with autonomous status, as part of the Soviet divide-and-conquer
    strategy in the Caucasus. The City of Berdzor serves as a corridor
    between Armenia and Artsakh and thus is strategically vital to the
    preservation and protection of the Armenian Nation. Nagorno Karabakh
    has never been part of an independent Azerbaijani state, and even
    declassified Central Intelligence Agency reports confirm that Nagorno
    Karabakh is historically Armenian and maintained even more autonomy
    than the rest of Armenia through the centuries. On September 2, 1991,
    the people of Nagorno Karabakh declared independence from the Soviet
    Union and became the Nagorno Karabakh Republic. On December 10, 1991,
    Nagorno Karabakh held an independence referendum in which 82% of all
    voters participated and 99% voted for independence. In response,
    Azerbaijan launched an all-out war against the Nagorno Karabakh
    Republic, targeting civilians and recruiting Islamic extremist
    mujahideen from Afghanistan and Chechnya to join the Azerbaijani army
    against Christian Armenians.

    Prior to Azerbaijan's declaration of Independence from the Soviet
    Union, from 1988 to 1990, it targeted the Armenian population in
    racially motivated pogroms in the cities of Sumgait (February 27-29,
    1988), Kirovabad (November 21-27, 1988) and Baku (January 13-19,
    1990). At the time, Members of Congress condemned these premeditated
    and officially-sponsored attacks against Armenian civilians and
    passed amendments and resolutions demanding respect for the democratic
    aspirations of the people of Nagorno Karabakh.

    Despite these irrefutable facts, the Consulate of Azerbaijan and its
    agents made false statements about Berdzor and omitted any mention of
    the history which led to the declaration of independence by Armenian
    citizens from Soviet Azerbaijan. The Azeri agents also failed to
    disclose that in August of 2012, the President of Azerbaijan pardoned
    Ramil Safarov from his life sentence in prison, for axing to death an
    Armenian solider during a NATO Peace and Partnership training mission
    in Budapest, hailing his return to Azerbaijan as a national hero.

    These facts were not lost upon Mayor McCallon and his councilmembers,
    as they admirably chose, true to fundamental American ideals, to
    support the aspirations for self-determination by the people of Nagorno
    Karabakh by offering sister-city assistance to the democratically
    elected local government in Berdzor.

    The Armenian National Committee of America-Western Region is the
    largest and most influential Armenian American grassroots advocacy
    organization in the Western United States. Working in coordination
    with a network of offices, chapters, and supporters throughout the
    Western United States and affiliated organizations around the country,
    the ANCA-WR advances the concerns of the Armenian American community
    on a broad range of issues.
