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Turkey And Armenia: What's Next?

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  • Turkey And Armenia: What's Next?


    Brookings Institution
    Dec 18 2013

    By: Omer TaÅ~_pınar


    The issue of Armenia enters the Turkish foreign policy agenda almost
    exclusively in the context of Western attempts at legislating genocide
    resolutions. The result is often a reactive nationalist defense.

    In less than two years, by 2015, Turkey will find itself in a similar
    dilemma. Once again, it will be external dynamics that will drive the
    domestic and foreign policy debate, and quite predictably Turkey will
    react with anger and resentment to Western attempts at commemorating
    the centennial of the Armenian genocide. In order to avoid such an
    ordeal, Ankara needs to think about Armenian-Turkish relations now,
    before Western pressure builds up. The fact that Foreign Minister
    Ahmet Davutoglu visited Yerevan last week is a step in the right
    direction and needs to be congratulated. Instead of panicking shortly
    before 2015, the Turkish government needs to pursue a multidimensional
    strategy, starting now. The first dimension of the strategy should
    be the opening of the border and the establishment of diplomatic
    relations between the two countries.

    As it is well known, shortly after the signature of the two protocols
    aiming at achieving these two goals in 2009, Ankara decided to
    index the ratifications of the protocols to the resolution of the
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Linking the normalization of relations
    to a "frozen conflict" had the impact of freezing the protocols as
    well. It also showed that Turkey had no empathy for the Armenian
    political leadership, which took a lot of heat from the diaspora for
    dropping genocide recognition as a precondition for the normalization
    of relations with Ankara.

    In retrospect, the Turkish decision to establish a precondition
    for normalization with Armenia was shortsighted because it
    practically gave Azerbaijan de facto veto power over Turkish-Armenian
    normalization. Instead, what Turkey should have done was to establish
    diplomatic and economic relations with Armenia with the hope that
    such a policy of engagement would in time create positive momentum
    and leverage in favor of a resolution in Nagorno-Karabakh. It remains
    unclear whether a breakthrough in this frozen conflict can be achieved
    in the absence of Turkey gaining more leverage in relations with
    Armenia. It looks like sequencing is the main problem here. The
    Turkish side is reportedly ready to open the border, establish
    diplomatic relations and even provide financial support to Armenia
    in return for an Armenian withdrawal from two of the seven occupied
    regions surrounding Nagorno-Karabakh. This proposal looks like the
    same one Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan made a few years ago
    to his Armenian counterpart at the time, Robert Kocharyan. Kocharyan
    had refused the Turkish demand on the grounds that there should be no
    linkage between Nagorno-Karabakh and normalization with Turkey. It is
    hard to see why today the Armenian reaction to a very similar Turkish
    proposal would be any different.

    Therefore, this most recent Turkish attempt at rapprochement with
    Armenia is also likely to fail in the absence of a unilateral Turkish
    gesture such as the opening of the border without preconditions. On
    the other hand, since Turkey is always in some kind of election season,
    it is almost impossible to see the Justice and Development Party (AKP)
    invest serious political capital in rapprochement by taking such
    a courageous step. Under such circumstances, it is not surprising
    that the Armenian media saw Davutoglu's Yerevan visit as nothing
    more than a public relations campaign. If Turkey is really serious
    about normalizing relations with Armenia, it will have to take some
    risks in relations with Azerbaijan. The key will be to convince Baku
    that only the normalization of Turkish-Armenian relations will create
    positive momentum in solving the Nagorno-Karabakh dispute.

    Turkey needs to open the border first and expect its diplomatic and
    economic engagement policy with Armenia to pay off in the long run.

    The alternative is to continue with the current policy. The current
    Turkish policy has produced no change in Nagorno-Karabakh in the last
    20 years. It is time to think more creatively.
