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A Black Day For Genocide Prevention, A Feast Day For Genocide Denier

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  • A Black Day For Genocide Prevention, A Feast Day For Genocide Denier


    Strasbourg, 17th December 2013:

    18.12.2013 21:17

    Nachfolgend veröffentlichen wir den Kommentar der AGA-Vorsitzenden
    Tessa Hofmann zur Entscheidung des Europäischen Gerichtshofs fur
    Menschenrechte (EGMR).

    A personal comment

    Yesterday's publication of the decision of the European Court of
    Human Rights (ECHR) on the complaint by the Turkish nationalist Dogu
    Perincek came as a shock and as a surprise. My personal relationship
    to the claimant dates back into the year 2000, when I became a victim
    of a slander campaign by Turkish media, started by Perincek and his
    obscure party paper "Aydinlik", and spread by Turkey's largest daily,
    "Hurriyet". The occasion was a petition by several Germany based
    human rights NGOs to the German parliament, requesting the German
    lawmakers' official recognition of the crimes, committed against
    the Ottoman Christian population and the Armenians in particular as
    genocide according to the UN Convention of 1948. In his revelations,
    Perincek had tried to depict me as a leading German agent with NATO
    connections, whose special mission was the destabilization of Turkey
    by inflaming interethnic hatred. Towards this goal I had, according
    to "Aydinlik/Hurriyet", allegedly freed the scholar Taner Akcam from
    his prison in Turkey in armed action and brainwashed poor Taner,
    until he became a propagandist of the "Armenian lies", as Perincek
    put it. In two subsequent court trials here in Germany I could at
    least fight the repetition of such slander by "Hurriyet". But that
    did not stop Perincek and his comrades. Their next action was touring
    Germany, France and Switzerland, where they purposefully denied the
    Armenian genocide in public events (manifestations, speeches). But the
    second and perhaps main purpose of these tours was the provocation of
    European law systems on national levels. In Berlin, the head of our
    police reacted rather sharpish by prohibiting public manifestations.

    Perincek then addressed to Berlin courts and achieved the permission of
    the manifestation, albeit with the condition to refrain from offensive
    slogans such as "Armenian genocide lie" or "so-called genocide". These
    condition Perincek and his followers violated at many occasions, albeit
    in Turkish language. In Switzerland, a descendant of Armenian genocide
    survivors, Sarkis Shahinian filed a court case against Perincek for
    violating the anti-discrimination law of the Swiss Penal Code. On
    9th March 2007, Perincek had been sentenced accordingly in Lausanne,
    and I had the dubious joy to see the man during his trial when I gave
    expert witness to the court. In the course of the following months
    the Lausanne sentence has been approved by two higher courts of
    Switzerland, including the highest. As a citizen of a country, which
    is applying for full EU membership, Perincek had only one option left,
    the ECHR. And the amazing thing happened: The highest court in the EU
    criticized the Swiss court decisions and fully confirmed Perincek's
    right to deny the genocide of 1.5 million Armenians (or overall 3.5
    Ottoman Christians, if Perincek would ever consider these lesser
    known co-victims).

    To receive this outrageous decision, the judges argue more or less
    in the following way:

    A long period passed since 1915.

    In difference to the genocide of the European Jewry, the Armenian
    genocide (AG) is no internationally acknowledged or established fact.

    As evidence, the ECHR points to the fact that even in Switzerland
    exist opposing opinions about the AG, which subsequently has been
    acknowledged only by one of the two legislative chambers of the
    country. Furthermore there is no international court decision on
    the AG.

    The ECHR believes that Perincek did not violate the existing
    anti-racist legislation of Switzerland, for he 'just' articulated
    a personal opinion and allegedly did not act in order to offend
    Armenians. After the above mentioned provocative tours of Perincek
    in several EU states, this is a highly refutable allegation. Having
    closely monitored his denialist and propagandist activities over the
    years I know one thing for sure: Perincek does what he is doing with
    full intent to humiliate Armenian communities and to encourage his
    compatriots in Europe to follow his example and to provoke European
    legislation without fear.

    What are the general implications of the recent decision? The ECHR
    has given greater weight to freedom of expression than the protection
    against racism and xenophobia, including the protection of genocide
    victims from denialism and continuing pain. The ECHR refuses to realize
    the pain that, under the continuing official denial by the Turkish
    Republic, purposeful genocide denial causes. At the same time the
    ECHR decision continues a European trend that has started at the time
    of Perincek's denial tours in Europe and led, in 2008, to the Appel
    de Blois. Although this appeal was in its majority signed by French
    historians, German scholars, too, articulated their discomfort with
    any 'restrictions' of the liberty of opinion. To their mind, liberty
    must include the right to deny genocide, for a genocide is either
    generally acknowledged as a historic fact or not. In the first case
    those, who deny facts, ridicule themselves, but must not be prosecuted
    by the law. In the second case, the topic seems under-researched, and
    sceptics have even more a right to doubt and deny. It must be admitted,
    that the recent court decision has put the AG into the second category,
    which is perhaps the most negative effect. Genocide is first of all
    not a subject for the approval or disapproval by historians, but the
    most severe crime and hence a subject for prosecutors and trials. In
    this context the reluctance of the sovereign Armenian state to seek
    an international court decision on the AG once again appears as
    a failure. It is a comfort that laws and legal decisions are not
    written in stone. They can and must be changed. If its political
    will is strong enough, Switzerland can demand a revision of the
    current decision at the Grand Chamber of the ECHR. But for this aim,
    Armenian communities and NGOs in Europe have at least once to act in
    synergic ways. It is a second comfort that two of the five involved
    judges--Ms VuÄ~MiniÄ~G from Montenegro and Mr Pinto de Albuquerque
    from Portugal-- expressed a very clear dissident statement.

    We residents and citizens of EU states must decide which values
    we give the highest priority, both on national, and EU levels. EU
    politicians like to relate on Europe as a community of shared values.

    As a European, however, I refuse to share a definition of liberty that
    allows every chauvinist to confront, offend and humiliate minorities
    under the pretext of liberty of opinion. It is an additional irony
    that the chauvinist Perincek was guaranteed this liberty by the
    EU's highest court, while his homeland still clings to a restrictive
    legislation against dissenters: Whereas Europe allows the denial of the
    Armenian genocide, Turkish penal laws prosecute those who acknowledge
    historic facts. European problems with the concept of liberty are
    manifold and not limited to genocide denial. In the last pre-election
    campaign the extremist rightist part NPD ("National Democratic Party of
    Germany") sent hate letters to foreign born candidates for the German
    Bundestag. The candidates were urged to leave Germany voluntarily, in
    order to prevent that they commit crimes. When some of the offended
    addressees sought the protection of German law authorities, their
    claims were turned down by the state attorney on the grounds that it is
    the lawful right of German Neo-Nazis to express their opinion. Is this
    really what we want when allowing liberty of expression to chauvinists?

    Further reading:

    ECHR court decision[%22FRA%22],%22documentcollectionid2%22:[%22JUDGMENTS%22],%22itemid%22:[%22001-139276%22]%7D

    Swiss and German decisions on Dogu Perincek:

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress