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Yegparian: ReCONciliation

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  • Yegparian: ReCONciliation


    By Garen Yegparian // December 18, 2013 in Garen Yegparian

    Reading the phrase "hell-bent on Armenian-Turkish reconciliation" at
    the end of Harut Sassounian's most recent column triggered a profound
    revulsion coupled with a realization.

    Harut did nothing wrong. He was just referring to the losers who have
    raised the "reconciliation" flag and paraded it around in Armenian
    settings every chance they get. This plays right into Turks hands.


    "Reconciliation" is such a "good thing," right? Who could be against
    something that Nelson Mandela (cited in Hrant Apovian's "What Will
    the Armenian Genocide Centennial Accomplish?") defined as "working
    together to correct the legacy of past injustice" (note this is from
    the guy who practically invented the whole notion of socio-political

    But that takes two willing, non-duplicitous, equitably motivated,
    sides. Not one sincere side and another side cynically abusing the
    opportunity to get out of its obligations to humanity and its victims.

    I realized that much of the push is coming from U.S. sources,
    with the Turks availing themselves of the escape route provided by
    "reCONciliation." And that's what it is in our case-a con, a scam, a
    flimflam, a deceit, a ruse, etc., ad nauseam. Those whose experience
    is defined by life in the Americas, especially the U.S., are used to
    thinking in terms of "we must all get along, we're all different,
    but we're in this together," because all but the Native Americans
    are recent arrivals to the those continents.

    In the Armenian case, you have a native population, essentially
    totally extirpated from its home, and the murderous invader wanting
    to escape responsibility. That's reCONciliation as conceived by the
    Turkish government.

    This approach is evident in Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu's
    recent characterization of the deportation portion of the genocide as
    "inhumane," and attributing it to the Ottoman Empire. He's doing two
    things. He's playing "decent" by recognizing the fundamentally wrong
    nature of the deportations. At the same time, he's not recognizing
    that the deportation happened in the context of committing genocide.

    Thus, he strengthens Turkey's position in arguing that reCONciliation
    should happen without recognition of the genocide, reparations,
    or restoration of Wilsonian Armenia to its rightful owners.

    In this, he's supported by sectors of society in Turkey. One Aybars
    Gorgulu, program officer at the Foreign Policy Program of the Turkish
    Economic and Social Studies Foundation (TESEV), a Turkish think-tank,
    asserts, "Armenian diaspora needs to see the change in Turks' approach
    to 1915."

    Great, so, we see the change, then what? If the terminus of the
    Armeno-Turkish relationship is a journey of a million miles, then
    we've advanced maybe 10 miles. That's better than the one mile of
    just a decade ago, but it is still insignificant in the overall scheme
    of things.

    By the way, TESEV, on its own website reports it "organized a
    study trip in the Armenian capital Yerevan on 4-6 June, 2012...[for]
    academics, students, media, and civil society representatives who have
    been actively involved in...discussing Turkish-Armenian relations
    since 2010 but never been to Armenia before." Without having the
    benefit of following, personally, the participants' activities in
    Yerevan, my instinctive reaction is that this just provided grist
    for the reCONciliation mill.

    The fact that we have made some progress is a testament to the value of
    the pressure we have applied to Turkey. Much more is needed. This does
    not mean, and I say this emphatically, that we should not engage our
    adversaries. Quite the contrary, we should speak with them, and openly,
    this way neither side can accuse the other of misrepresenting the
    content of any contacts. Interestingly, my article from two weeks ago,
    "Turks Must Be Smoking Their Own Poppies" has inadvertently followed
    this two-step approach: The "pressure" came from pointing out the flaws
    in a Turkish academician's article. The "engage" part arose with that
    author wanting to meet when she's in the Los Angeles area next.

    Engagement is not of the sort that Davutoglu revealed during his
    trip to Yerevan-that he had been meeting with Armenians on the sly
    wherever he traveled. That's just a tactic to enable reCONciliation.

    Please, from now on, whenever we hear "reCONciliation" being brandished
    as the ultimate good and goal in relations with our denialist neighbor,
    let's recognize it for the vacuous blather it represents at this
    point in our million-mile journey.
