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Pastor Honored in White Plains, NY

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  • Pastor Honored in White Plains, NY

    Diocese of the Armenian Church of America
    630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016
    Contact: Karine Abalyanj
    Tel: 212-686-0710
    Fax: 212--779-3558
    Email: [email protected]

    The occasion was billed as a "triple celebration" for the Armenian
    community of White Plains, N.Y. It marked 40 years since the birth of
    an Armenian parish - then dubbed "St. James" - in Westchester. It also
    marked the 15th anniversary of the long-awaited consecration of the
    parish sanctuary, the St. Gregory the Enlightener Church of White
    Plains.jBut most of all, the gala banquet at the Hilton Westchester
    Hotel in Rye Brook, N.Y., on Saturday evening, December 7, was an
    occasion to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Rev. Fr. Karekin
    Kasparian's pastoral ministry to the community.jThe hotel's ballroom
    was filled with 425 people who had come out to pay homage to a great
    pastor, leader, teacher and friend. Friends and family from near and
    far came to the event to reunite in a spirit of love and admiration
    for Fr. Karekin.jNotable among the guests were Archbishop Khajag
    Barsamian, Primate of the Eastern Diocese; Archbishop Yeghishe
    Gizirian, longtime friend and mentor to Fr. Karekin, and nine
    clergymen.jParish Council chair Gregory Sahagian offered a toast to
    begin the program.

    Gala chair Maria Stepanian welcomed the well-wishers and spoke on how
    Fr. Karekin had made an impact on her life.jA special congratulatory
    message from His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos
    of All Armenians, was read by Diocesan Vicar General the Very
    Rev. Fr. Simeon Odabashian. His Holiness' laudatory words echoed
    throughout the evening.jAfter dinner, the Rev. Fr. Untzag Nalbandian,
    pastor of Holy Ascension Church in Trumbull, Conn., spoke on behalf of
    the clergy of the Diocese.jThe Rev. Fr. Mardiros Chevian, dean of
    St. Nersess Seminary, conveyed congratulatory sentiments from the
    seminary board, staff and seminarians. He reminisced about former
    days, when he attended his first summer conference at the time Deacon
    Hovhaness - Fr. Karekin prior to his priestly ordination - was
    seminary dean.jThe Rev. Fr. Hakob Gevorgyan, pastor of the Holy
    Trinity Church in Cheltenham, Pa., spoke on behalf of the seven
    pastoral interns that Fr. Kasparian has mentored over the years. He
    recalled his personal internship experiences in a loving and humorous
    manner, and told how Fr. Karekin's tutelage prepared him for the
    challenges of parish life.jOne other distinguished clerical guest was
    the Rev. Fr. Kevork Arakelian, Fr. Kasparian's first student at
    St. Nersess Seminary, who had flown in from California just for the
    occasion. His presence surprised and delighted the honoree.jZaven
    Tachdjian, former Parish Council chair of 10 years in White Plains,
    credited Fr. Karekin with helping develop his personal
    spirituality. He called the pastor a "great unifier in the parish and
    community."jMeliné and Lori - the two daughters of Fr. Karekin and
    Yeretzgin Dawn Kasparian - entertained the gathering with loving
    anecdotes about growing up as the children of a parish priest, and
    told how they were fortunate to have a father who had a flexible
    schedule, which allowed him to be a "hands-on dad."jJohn Wolohojian as
    Master of Ceremonies managed to keep the program briskly moving
    forward. When he introduced the guest of honor, Fr. Karekin Kasparian
    began his message with an outpouring of gratitude, thanking all those
    present as well as those departed who had contributed to the
    foundation and growth of the St. Gregory parish.jFr. Kasparian
    expressed heartfelt thanks to the Suren Fesjian family - the parish's
    benefactor and "godfather," and also to the Simon and Hayik Tutak
    families, likewise early and crucial parish benefactors.jFr. Karekin
    recalled several poignant episodes from his pastoral life, and
    expressed gratitude for being included in significant moments in his
    parishioners' lives.jHe also paid tribute to his dear wife, Yeretzgin
    Dawn, who has been a source of strength and inspiration throughout his
    life and ministry.jHe concluded by saying: "No pastor can truly say,
    `My work is completed.' The work of the church goes on and on,
    eternally. We are unworthy servants, who have only done what was our
    duty."jArchbishop Khajag Barsamian addressed the gathering and
    acknowledged Fr. Karekin for being a true leader of the Armenian
    community, a great communicator, and a teacher who has led his flock
    to a better understanding of each other and of God.j"I admire the
    virtues Der Karekin brings to his ministry," the Primate said. "He is
    a man of deep faith, and his love for his people and heritage is
    profound. He is a true gentleman, with great compassion for his fellow
    human beings, who is always willing to listen, to answer a question,
    to lend a sympathetic ear or a helping hand to the members of his
    flock.j"Der Karekin's tenure in this parish has been extremely
    fruitful," he continued. "And he means a great deal to our Diocese, as
    well. For Der Karekin has been a true pioneer, leading our church in
    America into greener pastures, and new ways of implementing our
    mission."jA benediction by Archbishop Yeghishe Gizirian concluded the
    evening with a feeling of joy and unity.jViolinist Sami Merdinian,
    accompanied by Sofya Meilkyan on piano, provided the musical
    entertainment for the evening, entrancing the audience with their
    selection of Armenian melodies.jA video montage chronicling the life
    of Fr. Karekin and the growth of his flock over the past 40 years was
    viewed by the appreciative crowd. The montage was prepared by Sylvia
    Kruizenga, and DVD copies of it were included in the celebration
    booklet as a keepsake.jA commemorative booklet was prepared by Maria
    Bedonian and dedicated to both Fr. Karekin and Yeretzgin Dawn. It
    captured the effect of Fr. Karekin's and Yeretzgin's beneficial
    influence on the community. Throughout the booklet were heartfelt
    messages from clergymen, supporters, benefactors, friends, family
    members, church organizations, and booklet donors, whose sentiments
    were summed up in the words: "We will forever be grateful for the
    Kasparians' boundless spiritual love and support."jThe booklet
    concluded with the following inscription: "We honor with love our
    senior generation for their foresight and sacrifice. We delight with
    faith in the enthusiasm of our present generation for their zeal to
    continue the torch of our heritage. We wait with hope for the future
    generation to carry forth the flame of our legacy."jThe weekend
    culminated with the Divine Liturgy on Sunday, December 8, at the
    St. Gregory Church. Archbishop Khajag Barsamian celebrated the
    badarak, with the parish deacons, altar servers, and choir performing
    their offices with dignity.jAs part of the service, the rank of
    subdeacon was conferred on St. Nersess seminarian Saro Kalayjian, and
    on St. Gregory's own faithful young servant Andrew Kayaian.jSolemn
    requiem service was held for the founders and benefactors of the St.
    Gregory parish, and for the victims of the earthquake in Armenia
    (which occurred 25 years ago), with requiem prayers said for the late
    president of South Africa, Nelson Mandela. A fellowship hour followed
    in the church's Tutak Hall.jj###jjPhotos by Diran Jebejian. Photo 1:
    The White Plains community honored Fr. Karekin Kasparian on his 40th
    anniversary. Photo 2: From left are Yn. Dawn Kasparian, Fr. Karekin
    Kasparian, Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, and Archbishop Yeghishe
    Gizirian. Photo 3: Fr. Karekin Kasparian surrounded by family
    members. Photo 4: Archbishop Barsamian ordains Saro Kalayjian and
    Andrew Kayaian to the sub-diaconate.j
