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Homenetment Great Mihran Chimchirian Visits Western U.S.A. Region

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  • Homenetment Great Mihran Chimchirian Visits Western U.S.A. Region

    Thursday, December 19th, 2013

    Mihran Chimchirian (right) in Pasadena, California

    PASADENA-On November 18, Homenetmen Western United States hosted an
    Open Forum and a welcome get together for the visiting Homenetmen
    Central Executive Committee Member and Treasurer, Mihran Chimchirian,
    at the Pasadena "Azadamard" Chapter.

    The forum was open to the media and Homenetmen's governing bodies in
    the Western United States. Present were Homenetmen Central Executive
    Committee Member Viggen Davidian, Homenetmen Western United Stated
    Regional Executive Committee Members, the region's chapter executive
    committee members, and guests from the Armenian American community.

    Mihran Chimchirian's visit to the Southland coincided with Homenetmen
    Western U.S. Region's preparations to unveil the much anticipated
    Strategic Plan. For Mihran Chimchirian - whose many years as an active
    Homenetmen member have seen this esteemed organization through its
    changes - to be present during this latest installment of change and
    progress was a joy for everyone.

    At 70, Mihran Chimchrian has been an active Homenetmen member for
    many decades. He began his Homenetmen journey at the tender age of
    5, and for the past 65 years has not ceased from being a Homenetmen
    Member for a single day. That would be a very difficult record to
    match. Very few individuals can make the claim that they've served
    in Homenetmen and have built up the kind of enviably distinguished
    record that Mihran Chimchirian has, without missing a heartbeat.

    He began his journey as a Homenetmen member at the age of 5 as a cub
    scout, and then proceeded to go through all stages of scouting in
    Homenetmen. Mihran participated in the 1963 Marathon Jamboree, and has
    been in two Arabic Scout Jamborees in Lebanon, in 1971 and 1999. He
    was also the Treasurer of the Lebanese Scouts. Mihran Chimchirian has
    in the past also participated in three Arab Scout and International
    Jamborees and has been in Lebanon's Scout Federation for 25 years.

    These experiences led him to become one of the most prominent
    members in Homenetmen's history and propelled him to serve on various
    Homenetmen executive committees.

    Chimchirian has served on Chapter Executive Committees, both in Beirut
    and in Damascus. From 1983 to 1999 he served as Central Executive
    Board Member and Treasurer, and then again from 2007 to the present.

    Mihran Chimchirian's visit to Southern California began on November
    5th, when he first arrived here, and departed on November 20th. He
    was here partially on personal business, but the Central Executive
    decided to take the opportunity to also deliver the first ever
    presentation of the Strategic Plan before all executive committee
    members of Homenetmen in Western United States. The Strategic Plan
    process is led by Homenetmen's Central Executive and was mandated
    originally by the Homenetmen's Ninth Delegates Congress in 2007and
    approved by the Tenth in 2011. The Strategic Plan is to transform
    the way Homenetmen functions globally in preparation for its second
    century starting in 2018. It will introduce a bevy of incentives for
    future Homenetmenagans to join and be part of its history and legacy,
    with technology in the driver's seat to steer the organization into a
    much more fruitful and productive one than it already is. A workshop
    that took place on Monday, November 11th, is evidence that efforts
    are underway to move the plan into the implementation stage, and,
    hence, prepare it to fully become functional worldwide in the very
    near future.

    In closing, Mihran Chimchirian's visit to Homenetmen's Western United
    States Region in November could not have come at a better time as
    it happened to coincide with the 95th Anniversary of Homenetmen's
    founding, which, appropriately, was celebrated with one of Homenetmen's
