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Andreas Ghukasian: Authors of gas deals are lying

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  • Andreas Ghukasian: Authors of gas deals are lying

    Andreas Ghukasian: Authors of gas deals are lying

    Saturday, December 21, 2013

    Discussions in the Armenian parliament yesterday showed that the
    country's authorities are facing challenges and are unable to
    represent the interests of the people, the former presidential
    candidate, member of `We will prevent gas price increase' pressure
    group Andreas Ghukasian told a press conference today.

    `The authorities are lying about the gas deals. A privileged position
    was created for Russia's Gazprom in Armenia as early as 2002, while
    the sale of 20% of the Armenian government-owned shares of
    ArmRosGazprom Company shows that Armenia's assets can be confiscated
    and put under a ban outside the country without Armenia's consent,'
    Ghukasian said.

    Another participant of the press conference, member of the same
    pressure group Aram Grigorian said for his part that the gas issue is
    not only political as the matter concerns the absence of a management
    system in Armenia.

    Ratification of the gas agreements signed on December 2 between the
    Armenian and Russian governments in Yerevan was discussed at the
    special session of the Armenian parliament yesterday. Discussions
    lasted into late evening and were postponed until Monday, December 23,
    at the suggestion of speaker Hovik Abrahamian.

    TODAY, 16:37
