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Armenian Parliamentary Opposition Refuses To Recognize Ratification

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  • Armenian Parliamentary Opposition Refuses To Recognize Ratification


    Interfax, Russia
    Dec 23 2013

    YEREVAN. Dec 23

    The Armenian parliamentary opposition refuses to recognize the results
    of the vote on the ratification of the intergovernmental agreements
    with Russia on the purchase and sale of shares and further operation
    of Armrosgazprom and on the price formation of natural gas supplied
    to Armenia.

    The opposition factions Armenian National Congress, Armenian
    Revolutionary Federation, Heritage and Prosperous Armenia have
    boycotted the vote held during an unscheduled meeting of the parliament
    on Monday.

    Only representatives of the ruling Armenian Republic Party which
    holds a majority in parliament participated in the vote.

    The vote has been disrupted because Head of the Heritage opposition
    faction Zaruhi Postanjan took away special electronic cards for
    voting from deputies, as a result of which the votes were counted by
    representatives of the counting board.

    "Four out of seven members of the counting board were not present at
    the meeting and did not approve its results. This means that Armenia
    has not ratified the gas agreement with Russia. The speaker of the
    Armenian parliament does not have a single document proving that
    the counting board approved the results of the vote," deputy of the
    Armenian National Congress Nikol Pashinian said during a protest held
    in front of the Armenian parliament building.

    Meanwhile, representatives of the Armenian National Congress Levon
    Zurabian said that non-coalition factions of the parliament intended
    to go to the Armenian Constitutional Court demanding to find the
    agreement ratification invalid.

    The agreements between the Russian and Armenian governments on the
    conditions of purchasing and sales of shares and further operations
    of Armrosgazprom were signed in Yerevan on December 2.

    According to the agreement, Russia's Gazprom (MOEX: GAZP), which owns
    80% of Armrosgazprom shares, gets the remaining 20%.

    Armenian Minister of Energy and Natural resources Armen Movsisian has
    said that Gazprom would get the 20% stake belonging to the government
    due to the debts for gas accumulated.

    Protesters say that the agreement, according to which Armenia is
    deprived of the right to import gas from other companies and to
    exchange the supply conditions until 2043, challenges the independence
    of Armenia.

    ez mk
