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Political Expert: Nazarbayev's Statement Demonstrates Double Standar

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  • Political Expert: Nazarbayev's Statement Demonstrates Double Standar


    by Ashot Safaryan

    Tuesday, December 24, 19:27

    Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev's statement demonstrates double
    standards in establishment of the Customs Union, Hmayak Hovhannisyan,
    Chairman of the Armenian Association of Political Scientists, has
    told ArmInfo's correspondent.

    To note, at the Moscow Session of Eurasian Economic Council on 24
    December Nazarbayev said his country is ready to sign the "road map"
    on Armenia's joining the Customs Union but with special opinion as
    it requires to explain the problem about the borders of the Customs
    Union because of the Karabakh conflict.

    Hovhannisyan thinks that Nazarbayev's objections are unacceptable. He
    thinks that it is necessary to work out a single stance within the
    Customs Union. "We know that besides Nagorno-Karabakh, there are
    other non-recognized or partly recognized formations - Transnistria,
    Abkhazia, South Ossetia. And if there are no customs obstacles in
    the way of their full integration into the Common Economic Space,
    it is not clear why there may be any objections related to Karabakh
    and its full participation in the Common Economic Space. Artsakh has
    established itself as a state, it has elected authorities and can
    hope to enjoy the same standards", says Hovhannisyan. "Why doesn't
    Kazakhstan, which has failed to recognize Abkhazia and South Ossetia,
    advance any claims against them?" Hovhannisyan wonders.

    He recalls that Armenia is the guarantor of the NKR's security,
    including the NKR's economic security, and it is mentioned in the
    national security concept of Armenia. According to Hovhannisyan,
    earlier Russian Vice Premier, Russian President's Representative
    to Transnistria Dmitry Rogozin unequivocally said that Transnistria
    will join the Common Economic Space if Moldova signs an Association
    Agreement with the European Union. "A question arises. Will Armenia,
    which has failed to sign the Association Agreement and has chosen
    the Customs Union, lose the NKR?! The situation is rather absurd",
    Hovhannisyan says. He supposes that the President of Kazakhstan made
    an attempt to please Ilham Aliyev.

    In this context, Hovhannisyan considers the stance of the Byelorussian
    President to be more grounded. Earlier, when asked by ArmInfo,
    Lukashenko did not rule out possible provision of a special status
    to non-recognized or partly recognized state formations within the
    Customs Union.

    In the meantime, Hovhannisyan shares the opinion that each of the
    Customs Union members is trying to gain certain dividends from Moscow.

    "The Customs Union is not the USSR. Here the relations are very tough
    and meet the spirit of the 21st century, and each country is trying
    to get the most out of the offered formats of cooperation. There may
    be disputes and tough haggles. Our authorities could have obtained
    essential benefits from these haggles if they had not ignored the
    public opinion. The authorities of Armenia are going blind. They
    deprive themselves of an important resource - the public opinion,
    which could have strengthened their stance during the negotiations.

    How has Yanukovich played the Maidan card?! He has preserved all the
    elements of Ukraine's sovereignty in the relations with Moscow and
    at the same time he has got the most out of it. Before the recent
    developments in Kyiv, the Russian authorities unanimously said that
    they were not going to help Ukraine if the latter failed to choose
    the Customs Union. But today Russia has decided to provide Ukraine
    with a 15 bln USD loan. So, Yanukovich has managed to receive immense
    financial support on no enslaving conditions (unlike Armenia's gas
    agreement with Russia, for instance). If the country's authorities
    ignore their own citizens, international partners and allies start
    ignoring these authorities", he says.
