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Carpet Weaving Has Armenian Geneology

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  • Carpet Weaving Has Armenian Geneology


    Wednesday, 25 December 2013 15:59

    This hypothesis is getting more supporters in the world

    The recent years, more attention has been paid to the old Armenian
    traditions of carpet weaving, presenting to the world a branch of the
    Armenian culture, to the origins and following development of which
    Armenians had considerable contribution.

    This goal was pursued also by the international conference 'Armenian
    Hub - Traditions of Carpet Weaving Art' held November 20-22 in Armenia,
    which was attended also by Director of the Artsakh State Museum of
    History and Local Lore, Candidate of Historical Sciences Melanya
    BALAYAN. Following is an interview with her.

    - Mrs. Balayan, who was the organizer of the conference and what
    goals did it pursue?

    - The conference was organized by the RA Ministry of Culture; invited
    were art critics and carpet weaving masters from Armenia, Artsakh,
    Diaspora, and, surely, well-known foreign researchers and culture
    critics. The participants discussed a range of issues, the geneology
    of Armenian carpets, the place and role of Armenian carpets in the
    advanced carpet weaving art, the peculiarities of their illustration
    system and the problems of carpets' scientific research, maintenance
    and propagation.

    - What trends are observed in the world in the issue of
    re-acknowledging Armenians as founders of carpet weaving culture,
    which has been successfully contested by Turkey and Azerbaijan so far?

    - It seemed that they had managed to assume the reputation of being the
    founder of the art of carpet weaving. But, thanks to the recent years'
    researches, this seemingly established view is being changed. Great
    role in this was played byPazirik carpet finding discovered during the
    archaeological excavations in 1949 in Altay, which was excavated in
    vault 5 of Pazirik Kurgan. The carpet was left in the frozen vault,
    thanks to which it was preserved intact. The finding was taken to
    the Hermitage Museum, where it was also researched. Scientists have
    come to the conclusion that the 200x183 mm carpet belongs to the V-IV
    centuries BC - it differs from the local texture with its structure,
    art forms, color and technology, it is woven with double loop. All
    this has led the scientists to the view that the carpet belongs to
    the advanced culture. When it was discovered that the red color of
    the carpet fiber was got from the Ararat Valley 'carmine dye', part
    of the scientists came to the conclusion that the carpet has Armenian
    genealogy. This hypothesis has recently got more supporters.

    This view was also expressed by German scientist, art critic Folkmar
    Gantshorne. The multi-year researches were reflected in the scientist's
    work 'Eastern Christian Carpet - the Outline of Development from the
    Origins to the 18th Century', which was published and reproduced
    in German, translated into English, French, Italian and already
    Armenian. According to F. Gantshorn, the treasury of decorative art
    of Eastern carpets makes part of the Armenian unique culture. He
    acknowledged that he began to study carpets, believing that they were
    of Muslim origin, but when he deepened in these studies, he made sure
    that oriental carpets were of Armenian origin.

    Let's note that President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan awarded German
    scientist Folkmar Gantshorn with Movses Khorenatsi Medal for proper
    presenting the Armenian carpet weaving to the world and for his
    significant contribution to the issue of promoting the international
    recognition of the Armenian carpet art

    - How actual was the topic of Artsakh carpet weaving?

    - As we know, the Artsakh carpet weaving occupies an important place in
    the Armenian carpet weaving culture, and the conference participants
    displayed great interest towards the current situation. My speech
    'On the issue of studying the Artsakh carpet weaving culture' briefly
    presented, in particular, the issue's historiography in the Soviet
    period. In particular, it stressed the large part of old carpets
    plundered during the 1918-20 Armenian pogroms and massacres committed
    by Turks and Azerbaijanis and the Azerbaijani policy in 1960-70 aimed
    at collecting in different ways the hand-woven Armenian carpets. It
    was stressed that due to the special program, a carpet museum was
    created in Baku, thanks to which Azerbaijan is introducing itself to
    the world as a nation with ancient carpet weaving culture. I also
    emphasized the current trends of returning to the Artsakh carpet
    weaving traditions and the authorities' support to the process.

    -What collection does the Museum of History and Local Lore have?

    - Currently, around 150 carpets are kept in the museum. We know
    that there are still some unique, old, and expensive carpets in the
    villages, but we cannot obtain them, due to the fund shortage. It
    would be very sad, if they are removed from the Republic.

    - Recently, much has been spoken about a new building for the
    museum. Is there any information in this regard?

    - A new building is planned for the museum in 2014. But, proper
    implementation of the program is important - in many cases, a building
    is provided, which lacks the necessary areas, in particular, stock
    and demonstration rooms and others. In this case, we have to be
    satisfied with what we have. We have been in similar conditions for
    many years. We hope that the new building conditions will satisfy the
    requirements of modern museum, which, in turn, will contribute to the
    development of tourism, which is the declared policy of theauthorities
    in the recent years. We should be able to properly represent the
    nation's past and present.

    Emma BALAYAN

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress