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Syrian-Armenian Refugees Face Prospect Of Not Returning Home

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  • Syrian-Armenian Refugees Face Prospect Of Not Returning Home


    Deutsche Welle, Germany
    Dec 26 2013

    Syria has one of the biggest Armenian Christian diaspora communities
    in the Middle East. More and more of them are having to leave their
    homeland on account of the civil war, and it's possible they will
    not return.

    29-year-old Ani Shamamian (not her real name) holds her 18-month-old
    son on her lap. He is watching an Armenian children's TV program.

    Shamamian was born and grew up in the northern Syrian city of Aleppo,
    but one year ago the war forced her, her husband and their two children
    to abandon their home.

    They now live in Bourj Hammoud, a district in the north of the
    Lebanese capital, Beirut. The one-room apartment is much too small for
    Shamamian and her family, but they can't afford anything else. Life
    here is very difficult, she says. Everything is very expensive:
    "We can barely make ends meet."

    Ani Shamamian gets some support from the Howard Karagheusian
    Association, a social and medical center in the suburb of Bourj
    Hammoud. The center works with the United Nations High Commissioner for
    Refugees (UNHCR), and it's an important point of contact, especially
    for Armenian refugees. Here they can get advice, medical treatment
    for their children and donated clothing.

    It's not known how many Armenians have left Syria in recent months.

    Only those who need help register at the center. 1,300 Armenian
    families from Syria have registered with the Karagheusian Association,
    according to the institution's director, Serop Ohanian.

    He explains that most of these refugees initially came to stay with
    relatives in Bourj Hammoud, thinking that they would be able to go
    home after a few days, so they arrived with few clothes and only a
    small amount of money. "But the situation has gotten worse and worse,"
    Ohanian says. "Returning isn't an option any more. They have to find
    an apartment and a job."

    Little Armenia

    In Bourj Hammoud, where Ani lives, the streets have names like Armenia
    or Yerevan, the capital of Armenia. Others are named after Christian
    saints. Lebanese and Armenian flags hang side-by-side on the balconies,
    and some shops also write their names in Armenian script.

    The district is a modest one: simple two- and three-story houses with
    workshops on the ground floor for sewing, car repairs, or trade in
    leather goods. Most of the people living here are Armenian. As in
    Syria, they are the descendants of the Armenian minority who were
    killed or driven out of the Ottoman Empire by Turkish nationalists
    in 1915.

    In Syria and Lebanon, Armenian Christians are an established part of
    society. In Aleppo, Damascus and Beirut, they have their own schools,
    cultural associations and churches. The Armenian population in Syria
    has been estimated at around 100,000 - almost half of them in Aleppo -
    while in Lebanon they number around 24,000.

    The longer the conflict in Syria goes on, the more worried Armenians
    are becoming that their community there may be seriously under threat -
    in Aleppo especially. Maral Kesheshian Shohmelian, an Armenian woman
    who left Aleppo more than a year ago, says that most are still holding
    out in the city's Armenian districts, which are controlled by the
    Syrian army. She is in regular contact with relatives there. Maral,
    a 36-year-old doctor, works for the Karagheusian Association and for
    the Catholic relief charity Caritas. She is torn between her desire
    to return home, and the drive to establish herself abroad in the West
    and complete her professional training.

    An open-minded young woman, Maral says most young people have the same
    ideas as her: "Get a visa, go abroad and work." Her goal is to finish
    her training, start a family, work, and perhaps go back to Aleppo one
    day. She and her husband are already preparing the necessary papers
    to apply to emigrate to America or Canada.

    Uncertain future

    Maral has no intention of emigrating to Armenia. She studied there,
    and she knows how hard life is in the former Soviet republic. Salaries
    there are very low, she says - hardly enough to live on. It's a
    difficult decision that many people like Maral are currently facing.

    Avedis Guidanian, the director of the local radio station "Voice of
    Van" in Bourj Hammoud, is worried that emigration to the West could
    compromise the continued existence of the Armenian communities in the
    Middle East. "When we were driven out of Turkey all those years ago,
    we came to Syria and Lebanon," says Guidanian. "Our presence in these
    countries is very important to us: close to Turkey, and close to our
    Armenian homeland."

    This is why he is not in favor of Armenians leaving the region: He
    believes that if the Armenian refugees emigrate to Europe, they'll
    never return to Syria. Guidanian is doing all he can to ensure that
    those who have come to Lebanon remain there. "We are trying to offer
    them as much help as we can," he says. "They're more likely to return
    to Syria from Lebanon."

