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ANKARA: 'Calling 1915 Inhumane Helps Turkey, Armenia'

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  • ANKARA: 'Calling 1915 Inhumane Helps Turkey, Armenia'


    Hurriyet Daily News, Turkey
    Dec 27 2013

    Cansu CamlıbelNİCE / Hurriyet

    A key figure behind the reconciliation efforts between Turkey and
    Armenia says Foreign Minister Davutoglu's statement calling 1915
    deportation of Armenians inhumane was very important

    Samson Ozararat, a key figure behind the scenes on reconciliation
    efforts between Turkey and Armenia, said Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet
    Davutoglu's statement calling 1915 deportation of Armenians inhumane
    was very important. But he argued Armenia has lost confidence in
    Turkey, following the failure to approve the protocols that would lead
    to normalization, due to what he said was a change in Ankara's policy.

    An Armenian from Turkey's central Anatolian province of Konya,
    Ozararat has been one of the key figures in every effort to move
    Turkey and Armenia closer in the last 20 years.

    Born as a Turkish Armenian, he was expelled from Turkish citizenship.

    Thereafter, he became Armenia's representative in the Organization
    of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation's (BSEC) Istanbul headquarters.

    Ozararat, who is now a French citizen and lives in the French city of
    Nice, received a call from the Turkish Foreign Ministry two weeks ago.

    He was invited to Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu's plane
    to accompany him on a trip to Yerevan. The official reason for
    Davutoglu's visit was to attend the BSEC summit. However, Ankara was
    actually trying to test the ground to see whether there was room for
    maneuvers to re-generate a new process to normalize ties with Armenia.

    Ozararat said he tried to initiate occasions for dialogue between
    the two countries in the past. "When there are no relations between
    two countries, people like myself become helpful in providing back
    channels of communication. Actually no one or country has given me
    a duty. I have friends and a good network in both countries that I
    try to mobilize my relations with them in a positive manner to start
    up dialogue. I believe every opportunity has to be seized to bring
    people together. And I try to initiate such occasions," he said.


    He emphasized four milestones in bringing the countries together. "We
    have come a long way in discussing the conflict. However, the barriers
    that put us apart tend to shift as the world changes. In the past,
    there was this nationalist approach that was dominating the political
    arena due to fabricated fears from Communism. Then came the time when
    fears around 'Armenia will claim land (from Turkey)' were pumped.

    Despite all these, there have been milestones in bringing the two
    countries together.

    The first one is the meeting between the Turkish far-right nationalist
    leader Alparslan TurkeÅ~_ and the then Armenian President Levon
    Ter-Petrosyan. Another is the conference that was planned, but could
    not be held at Bogazici University. Another is the apology campaign.

    Another is the football diplomacy.

    (Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan and Turkish President Abdullah Gul
    exchanging visits.) These were all steps that melted the ice somehow."

    Ozararat said Davutoglu's statements on the way to Yerevan were
    very important. Davutoglu said the forced deportation of Armenians
    during Ottoman rule was unacceptable and inhumane. "Maybe it sounds
    quite normal to hear this today. I knew Davutoglu's views on 1915
    before from our personal conversations. However, we have never heard
    similar things from an official until this day. The fact that he stated
    these views publicly as the Turkish foreign minister is a huge step,
    I believe. It is a part of history now," he said.

    Nationalist rhetoric barrier

    Ozararat said Armenia lost confidence in Turkey since 2009. "In the
    past, the nationalist rhetoric was the barrier. Today, it is the
    economic and diplomatic balances. Azerbaijan is one of the major
    sources of Turkish energy needs. Moreover, Turkey understandably
    has to consider the interests of Turkish businessmen who invest in
    Azerbaijan. These are the reasons why Prime Minister Erdogan had to
    change the policy on May 13, 2009 which he declared during his speech
    at the Azerbaijan Parliament.

    Since that day, Armenia's trust in Turkey was broken. Honestly, prior
    to Davutoglu's trip to Yerevan this time I could not find a single
    person in Armenia who favored a new start for bilateral talks. Not
    a single person from the government or opposition parties. Trust is
    gone," Ozararat said, adding the most important thing still is to keep
    the communication channels open. "First and foremost, one has to stop
    saying 'nothing happened in the past.' Thank god, this approach has
    been somehow left behind in Turkey. Getting rid of this rhetoric is
    part of the cure. Now we can look for ways and occasions to create
    empathy from both sides. If one day, the memorial in Yerevan could
    be visited...In the end, that monument is the symbolic grave for one
    and a half million Ottoman Armenians. Why would a Turkish official
    not visit that monument one day? Turkey's top officials have been
    offering to give me my Turkish citizenship back," he said. "My dream
    is to get the citizenship of both Turkey and Armenia on the same
    day after normalization of relations between two countries. Maybe it
    sounds like a fantasy today. But I say what if it happens..."

