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Kasbarian: Building On The Totality Of ARF's Ideals

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  • Kasbarian: Building On The Totality Of ARF's Ideals


    By Antranig Kasbarian // December 27, 2013

    With its rich history and diverse involvements, the ARF has played a
    unique and often vital role in the life of our nation. Indeed, if we
    look at the party's resume broadly, we find a remarkable versatility
    that is unusual for any one organization. Think, for a moment, of
    the different roles the party has played-across time and space-in
    pursuit of our national ideals:

    - It has been a party of resistance, rebellion, even
    revolution. Think of the role it played in enlightening, organizing,
    and arming the Armenian masses of Eastern Anatolia, during the
    repressive final decades of Ottoman rule. More recently, think of
    the role it played as catalyst for the national self-determination
    movement in Mountainous Karabagh.

    - It has been a party of state. The most prominent example, of
    course, is the formative role it played in the first Independent
    Republic of Armenia (1918-1920).

    - It has been a community-builder. Think of the enormous
    role it played in organizing, orienting, and sustaining our
    diaspora-essentially communities in exile-following the successive
    upheavals of Genocide and Sovietization.

    - It has been a protector and promoter of national ideology and
    culture. Whether battling against cultural assimilation or keeping
    alive the ideals of national sovereignty, the ARF has led the effort
    to uphold Armenian nationalism, most prominently in Diaspora during
    the long years of Soviet rule.

    - It has been a lobbyist toward foreign powers. Whether as
    government-in-exile, or more recently, as an advocate operating in its
    host countries, the ARF has led the drive to influence decision-makers
    and opinion-makers who wield power vis-a-vis the Armenian Cause.

    - It has been at the forefront of social movements, within and beyond
    Armenia's borders. Think of the various roles it has played, e.g. as an
    integral part of the Iranian Revolution and Ottoman reform movements
    of the early 20th century, as a leader within the multi-ethnic Baku
    Commune of 1918, and as a dissident force in Armenia at various points
    during Soviet rule.

    - It has been a party of justice. Whether punishing czarist officials
    for pitting Armenians against Muslims, avenging the atrocities
    of Talaat and his comrades, or more recently pressing claims for
    reparations, ARF activists have sought-through all possible means-to
    gain justice for the lives, lands, and rights of which Armenians have
    been dispossessed.

    An ARF campaign billboard from the 2012 parliamentary elections in
    Armenia (Photo by Nanore Barsoumian)

    Taken together, such roles tell the story of a party that has remained
    resilient, adaptable, open to change, and ready to meet the challenges
    of the day. And yet, such diversity is not always celebrated; indeed,
    sometimes it is cause for confusion, criticism, or both. How so?

    First, such a dazzling array of positions has led some to assert a
    lack of coherence, an ARF tendency to "be all things to all people."

    Indeed, critics have asked how any party can maintain integrity of
    vision and belief when it has housed under one roof anglophiles
    and russophiles; socialists and Cold Warriors, pragmatists and
    revolutionaries, those who wear suits and those who wear khakis,
    and so forth. This is a valid concern, and deserves separate treatment.

    Second, some critics assert that the abovementioned variety no longer
    exists; that it was a hallmark of the ARF during its early and middle
    decades of activity, whereas today the party has settled into more
    predictable and routine functions. This, too, cannot be dismissed
    and must be treated under separate cover.

    Here, however, I wish to deal with a third set of concerns; concerns
    that are perhaps more immediate and worrisome. It is the tendency
    among many supporters-even party members themselves-to mistake the
    part for the whole, to take a piece of the ARF's resume, magnify it,
    and assert its primacy at the expense of other pieces that are equally
    vital and necessary.

    On numerous occasions, we have heard comments about what the ARF's real
    mission is or should be. I'm not talking about hypothetical straw-men,
    but actual comments made in the ebb-and-flow of our community
    life. For some, today's ARF should stick to lobbying-especially in the
    West-instead of involving itself in community affairs which presumably
    fall in the domain of the church and other organizations. For others,
    the dividing line is found elsewhere: Some assert that the ARF's
    primary focus is naturally Hai Tahd (Armenian Cause), and that social
    issues, especially in Armenia, are really a secondary concern. Others
    argue exactly the reverse.

    Still others say that the ARF's focus should be on the Diaspora
    because, well, Armenia may be our homeland but it has its own
    government and society while we sit thousands of miles away with more
    immediate preoccupations.

    How does one respond to such assertions? With great difficulty, I
    suppose, because all of the proposed foci are important. And perhaps
    that is the point, i.e. that there are no shortcuts, no easy solutions,
    because the ARF ultimately is not about this instead of that, but
    rather aboutthis and that simultaneously. True, there should remain
    a sense of priority about what matters most at a given time or place,
    but we must remember that the ARF is distinctive among organizations
    precisely because of its commitment to the totality of our national
    ideals. If I had to boil these ideals down to their essence, I'd
    cite three fundamental pillars that have been present throughout the
    history of the party:

    a) A commitment to Armenia's sovereignty: This includes a wide
    range of goals, from autonomy for Armenians in the Ottoman Empire
    and Transcaucasia, to the drive to attain and maintain Armenia's
    independence, to a pro-independence position during the long years
    of Soviet rule, to a more recent commitment to bolster Armenia's
    newfound independence. (The latter would include, by the way, not
    only foreign policy and national security issues, but matters of
    social justice and the rule of law, which are equally part of the
    fabric of a sovereign Armenia.)

    b) Pursuit of the Armenian Cause: This includes all of those efforts,
    over so many years, to gain justice/redress for historical grievances,
    including but not limited to the Armenian Genocide.

    Obviously, the methods have varied - governmental lobbying, publicity,
    international legal claims, armed struggle, as well as efforts on
    the ground - but the overarching goal has been the same.

    c) Armenopreservation (Hayabahbanum): This covers all of the various
    efforts to keep Armenians Armenian. This ranges from the reawakening
    of Western Armenia in the late 19thcentury, to keeping language,
    culture, and history alive in Diaspora, to current efforts to forge
    new and vital links between homeland and diaspora.

    Many organizations embrace one, even two, of these programmatic foci.

    But the ARF alone has been the one to embrace all three, which
    accounts for much of its drawing power among the masses. Imagine,
    for a moment, an ARF that pursued Hai Tahd alone, without regard for
    Armenia's current polity, society, and economy; such an ARF would
    risk becoming dry and devoid of all social relevance - a narrow,
    single-interest lobby. Conversely, imagine an ARF that solely embraced
    the Armenia we have today, without regard for the Armenia that we've
    lost; such an ARF would risk falling out of touch with our roots,
    with the Western Armenian history and culture that have nourished us
    through Genocide and into our current predicament in Diaspora.

    In sum, the ARF by its nature embraces a diverse whole. It is the
    totality of its vision, above all else, that has inspired legions to
    join its ranks or follow its path. True, this path may seem cluttered
    or overburdened at times, but that is a small price to pay for a
    legacy of this kind. Such a legacy should not be ignored, nor should
    it be simply upheld; rather, the ARF's legacy must be understood,
    built upon, and ultimately guided with care and intelligence.

    This article is adapted from an ARF Day speech delivered in Detroit,
    Mich. on December 7, 2013.
