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Turkologist. "It Is Useless To Expect Anything From Turkey."

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  • Turkologist. "It Is Useless To Expect Anything From Turkey."


    December 27 2013

    Ruben Safrastyan, turkologist, Director of Institute of Oriental
    Studies, does not recommend expecting anything from Turkey on the eve
    of the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. "There is no need
    to wait for something. The prognostic that Turkey could fundamentally
    change its policy in recognizing the Armenian Genocide, is missing. I
    do not also consider the show organized in Yerevan serious. The Turkish
    Foreign minister's interview with Turkish journalists regarding the
    Armenian-Turkish relations did not say anything," said Mr. Safrastyan,
    today, at "Pastark" club. He also said that the Armenian-Turkish
    relations stirred the interest of different centers around the world,
    because they are driven by Turkey's relations with other countries,
    and what will be the situation in the South Caucasus.

    "The current state of affairs of Karabakh works for all major centers
    in the world, this is geopolitically frozen." To the question of how
    Armenia's membership to the CU would affect the possibilities of the
    Armenian-Turkish dialogue, the turkologist said, "Armenia's accession
    is of no special geopolitical importance to the world. What happened
    was due to the fact that we still had a contract with Russia since
    1997, we are a CSTO member, and Russia's military bases are deployed
    in Armenia. Geopolitically, no new phenomenon happened; therefore,
    the situation is not changed." Turkologist Hakob Chakryan does
    not see any perspective in the Armenian-Turkish dialogue, because
    "Armenian-Turkish dialogue does not exist, there would not be a
    dialogue even on the eve of the 100th anniversary of the Armenian
    Genocide. They would only try to create an impression that they
    want to resume the dialogue, to create the illusion that they are
    ready only to possibly lessen the effect. So, accession of failure
    to join the Customs Union will not have a significant effect on the
    Armenian-Turkish dialogue, or the development of relations." In
    the conversation with us, Mr. Chakryan also expressed an opinion
    that the Karabakh conflict settlement is actually frozen. According
    to him, there is a competition going on between the Minsk Co-chair
    countries regarding the settlement of Karabakh conflict, for the sake
    of influence in the South Caucasus. "Everybody is in favor of the
    conflict to be settled, and depending on which country would settle
    it, the influence of given country will drastically increase."

    Arpine Simonyan

    Read more at:

    From: Baghdasarian