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ISTANBUL: Sweet dreams of Turkey and Armenia

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  • ISTANBUL: Sweet dreams of Turkey and Armenia

    Hurriyet Daily News, Turkey
    dec 28 2013

    Sweet dreams of Turkey and Armenia


    I had an interesting dream a couple of days ago. There was a gathering
    of leading figures from the Armenian and Turkish communities, held
    somewhere like a cultural center, in Canada. It seemed to me like a
    regular meeting for the exchange of ideas on issues of common interest
    as well as an opportunity for family-based socializing. I remember a
    children's newspaper prepared in Turkish and Armenian, with pictures
    and contributions by school kids. One topic on the agenda was
    organizing a study trip to Istanbul and Yerevan to visit cultural
    artifacts and to discover the common heritage of Turks, Armenians, and
    others. This was obviously an exciting project, since people were
    enthusiastic about it.

    I talked to an Armenian businessman who had an office in Argentina. He
    mentioned his participation in the Turkish economy minister's visit to
    Buenos Aires, and the meetings with the Argentinian business community
    to promote investment in Turkey. A young teacher from a Turkish school
    in Ottawa put out some leaflets about Armenian-language courses at his

    The popular song, `Fair Bride' (Sarı Gelin) did not sound sad to me
    this time. I am not sure in what language it was being sung, but this
    emotional lyric was understood by all. Two ladies were discussing
    recipes for the Turkish and Armenian versions of Noah's Pudding (known
    as AÅ?ure in Turkish and AbaÅ?anur in Armenian). The only difference is
    there is no bean in the Armenian version. It is a sweet made of dried
    fruit and nuts and pomegranate seeds, spiced with cinnamon and cloves.
    I joined the conversation and suggested that they add coconut too.
    They looked at me strangely, and said, `Add whatever you like, and
    leave out what you do not like!'

    The newspaper on the table attracted my attention. There was a story
    on the recently opened Azerbaijan-Armenia-Turkey railway line, and the
    need to improve its capacity. Due to its strategic value, the railway
    had become a central route connecting Asia and Europe. The middle
    corridor of the East-West connection was also linking both sides of
    the Caspian, and integrating the region into the West.

    I approached the Turkish and Armenian ambassadors, who were discussing
    new energy
    pipeline routes with a number of others. The expanded Southern
    Corridor with its gas and oil
    pipelines had turned out to be a key source of revenue for the
    regional countries and nearby states. It is a secure and stable
    corridor, which satisfies the economic, security and political
    concerns of all parties. The two ambassadors mentioned the stabilizing
    role of these joint projects, their interdependent nature paving way
    for improved welfare and peace-building in the Caucasus and the
    Balkans, among others. They were referring to the Azerbaijani
    ambassador, who was attending these meeting regularly, as an expert on
    energy issues. An interesting issue was the Armenian lobby's push for
    further European recognition of the importance of these projects in

    One source of anxiety was the increasing number of Armenians returning
    to Armenia. The recent economic growth, infrastructural developments
    and welfare in Armenia had caused a wave of reverse migration to
    Armenia, a reversal of earlier trends. The owner of a tourism agency
    was happy with the number of Armenian tourists visiting Turkey. He
    mentioned that Turkish consulates were providing services to Armenian
    citizens in countries without Armenian missions.

    I had a nice feeling when I woke up. The conversation on the recipes
    for Noah's Pudding had hinted on what sweet dreams are made of. What
    you have will be enough. Even just some dried fruits and nuts;
    whatever is leftover is fine. You can add more, and leave out what you
    do not want. I would speculate that it was Mr. Ahmet DavutoÄ?lu's visit
    to Yerevan that triggered my reflections on this issue, which became
    such a sweet dream. We have delegated the peace-making duties to our
    policy makers.

    DavutoÄ?lu's visit is a constructive move and needs to be welcomed and
    positively responded to by his Armenian counterpart.

    Without a doubt, normalization between Turkey and Armenia will make
    this world, in particular our region, a better place. The recent past
    is full of animosity, hate and pain, but the future does not need to
    be like that. Hope, courage and commitment are enough to make this
    sweet dream into a reality.


    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress