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ISTANBUL: Has Armenia set preconditions for normalization?

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  • ISTANBUL: Has Armenia set preconditions for normalization?

    Today's Zaman, Turkey
    dec 29 2013

    Has Armenia set preconditions for normalization?

    by Mehmet Fatih Öztarsu*
    29 December 2013 /

    Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu's visit to Yerevan, where he
    participated in a meeting of the Organization of the Black Sea
    Economic Cooperation (BSEC) on Dec. 12, provided some insights into
    the current state of Turkish-Armenian relations.

    The negative statements and publications from both political and
    civilian sources in Armenia during the visit showed Armenia's
    persistent suspicion and distrust of Turkey. The Armenian authorities,
    who announced two days before the visit that a meeting between
    Davutoğlu and President Serzh Sarksyan would not be possible, added
    that a meeting with Foreign Minister Eduard Nalbandyan might occur. In
    addition, as reported in the Armenian media, Nalbandyan was not
    pleased about the meeting and did not adopt a welcoming approach
    before Davutoğlu's visit to Yerevan.

    The ministers' meeting was covered differently by media outlets in
    Turkey and Armenia. Unlike Turkish reports, which suggested that this
    was a constructive meeting, the Armenian media took a negative view
    and argued that Turkey was just making a show of diplomacy.

    A new political approach from the Armenians appears to have influenced
    the negative stance towards Turkey in this period. After Davutoğlu's
    remark, "We do not endorse deportation and find it inhuman," it is
    obvious that the reason for the Armenians' indifference and coldness
    is that they have already suspended the normalization process with

    The most important aspect of the Yerevan visit, which became a source
    of disappointment for Ankara despite its potential as a new start in
    relations with Armenia, is that the Armenian authorities have
    seriously criticized Turkey for the first time since President
    Abdullah Gül's visit to Armenia during a World Cup pre-qualifier match
    that pitted Turkey against Armenia in October, 2009. Ankara, which
    focuses on the opening of the Armenian border and the improvement of
    bilateral relations, was urged to recognize the so-called Armenian
    genocide and open the border. In other words, Armenia cites Turkish
    recognition of the alleged genocide as a precondition for the
    normalization of relations. Armenian Deputy Foreign Minister Shavarsh
    Kocharyan stressed that Davutoğlu should visit the genocide memorial
    and recognize the so-called genocide in order to normalize the
    relations. As part of this new discourse, Yerevan is calling on Ankara
    to recognize the alleged genocide committed by the Ottoman state
    against Armenians in Turkey. The Armenian authorities argue that once
    this has been admitted, Turkey will have proven that it is a state
    with humanitarian values, while they ask it to stay away from the
    Nagorno-Karabakh issue and avoid an aggressive stance on that matter.

    Similar views were expressed in both the opposition and the ruling
    party in Armenia, while members of the Armenian diaspora strongly
    criticized Turkey. The diaspora, arguing that Turkey would force
    Yerevan to enter a process of normalization, said that Turkey should
    recognize the Armenian genocide. But the diaspora's negative attitude
    worsened the overall situation between Turkey and Armenia. Turkey's
    greatest mistake in this matter is the impression that it has linked
    normalization and the 2015 anniversary of the alleged genocide.
    Describing Armenia as a potential ally and referring to the
    Ottoman-era deportations of Armenians as a failing of the past
    administration will not lead to positive results, given that Armenia
    seems to have begun an all-out war on normalization. There are now
    systematic and organized attempts from the Armenian side to
    demonstrate that the Turkish Republic was responsible for these
    events. Therefore, the Armenians aim to ensure that Turkey cannot
    distance itself from the events of 1915. It is also notable that,
    compared to Turkey, the Armenians have a greater ability to influence
    and convince the world. Therefore, Turkey, which has not been heard on
    a number of issues including the Treaties of Kars and Moscow,
    Operation Nemesis, the Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of
    Armenia's (ASALA) terrorism and the massacres in Nagorno-Karabakh,
    cannot counter Armenia's organized attempts.

    It is clear that the Armenian side is in a better position than Turkey
    in this dispute. It is unfortunate that Turkey fails to understand
    Armenia or the diaspora while expressing itself to the international
    community. However, despite these facts, Turkey is still attempting to
    create new political initiatives due to its overconfidence. For
    instance, recent foreign studies related to the issue of Islamized
    Armenians have led to a very different interpretation of the Armenian
    issue. The problem became more intricate, and new issues emerged as a
    result. But Turkey has kept its focus on a single dimension of the
    issue, as through this it hopes to escape the issue of deportations.
    However, this is unlikely to generate the result it desires. In this
    new era, Turkey will have to face a number of new conditions for
    normalization with the Armenians in association with the deportations.

    *Mehmet Fatih Öztarsu is an analyst with Strategic Outlook.

    From: A. Papazian