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Iran's President Donates $340,000 to Armenian Hospital in Tehran

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  • Iran's President Donates $340,000 to Armenian Hospital in Tehran

    Iran's President Donates $340,000 to Armenian Hospital in Tehran
    Monday, December 30th, 2013

    Iran's President Hassan Rouhani visited Armenian families for Christmas

    Visit Armenian families.

    YEREVAN (Combined Sources) - Iran's President Hassan Rouhani has donated
    10 billion Iranian Rials (approx. $350,000) to an Armenian community
    hospital based in Tehran, the IRNA News Agency reported.

    His advisor, Hossein Fereydoon, who visited the hospital, said that a
    co-existence of Muslims and non-Muslims is a good example for all the
    countries in the region.

    Meanwhile, Rouhani also paid what is being dubbed as a Christmas visit
    to Iranian-Armenian families whose members had fought in the Iranian
    Army, repooted Armenpress, quoting sources at the Iranian Embassy in

    Rouhani first visited the Movsisyan's family. The father and son of
    the Movsisyan's family `sacrificed their lives for the sake of the
    Islamic revolution and protection of the homeland.'

    The Iranian president expressed well wishes to the family members and
    highlighted the significant role the religious minorities played
    during the Islamic revolution and the Iran-Iraq war.

    Among other things the Iranian President noted that the Muslims
    consider Jesus Christ a prophet of mercy and kindness.

    `This is a good occasion to express our gratitude to the families of
    the victims and honor their self-sacrifice and resistance,' said
    Rouhani noted.

    The Prelate of the Armenian Church in Isfahan, Archbishop Babken
    Charian said Monday that the religious minorities' right to have
    representation in Iran's parliament is an indication to the freedom of
    speech in the Islamic Republic.

    Speaking to IRNA, Archbishop Charian said Iran is a symbol of peaceful
    coexistence of followers of divine religions.
