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Armenians Show Indifference To 2013 Presidential Elections

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  • Armenians Show Indifference To 2013 Presidential Elections


    by Christian Garbis
    February 1, 2013 in Opinion

    The insouciant vibe in Armenia just a week after the official start of
    the presidential campaign is a stark contrast to the energy
    surrounding the 2008 election. The excitement displayed then by
    frequent rallies and gatherings of the Armenian National Congress
    pushed other parties, both pro-government and oppositional, to compete
    for the lion's share of public attention.

    Hovhannisian campaigning

    None of that exists today. With Levon Ter-Petrossian's retreat to his
    den, the Congress is on the verge of disintegrating and the
    president's own rallies are staged. Two major parties in opposition
    have refused to field candidates. The hype isn't there.

    Several reasons for this exist. Firstly, Armenians do not believe they
    live in a democracy. They acknowledge the totalitarian tendencies of
    the ruling regime but do nothing to bring about reform. They accept
    the new requirement of receiving ID cards from the police department
    so they can receive salaries. They withstand having their children
    escorted by their teachers to the president's campaign events while
    holding Republican Party flags in the middle of the school day. They
    comply when their department heads at state agencies demand they
    submit a list of 50-100 names of people who pledge they will vote for
    the president, or else be fired. They don't dare to complain about
    absurdly low wages for fear of losing their jobs, and the opposition
    parties have no leverage to have the standards of living increased for
    most citizens. The ruling regime feels no pressure from within the
    country and externally, namely from the Armenian Diaspora, to revise
    its domestic policies. There is no system of checks and balances, nor
    is there a perceived need for them since it's not discussed
    publically. Armenians lament the absence of justice, but they put
    forth no concrete demands for their government to reform the judicial
    system and make it resilient to external influence. The president
    promises the fairest election ever, but no one believes him. Some even
    think that the outcome has been prearranged in an agreement between
    Washington and Moscow.

    Many citizens, especially those living in rural areas, look forward to
    election day as a way to make a quick $10 or $20 by selling their
    vote. They don't care how the election turns out because they see the
    repressive system perpetuating. They feel no sense of empowerment,
    they don't believe in the strength of their voice. The commonly spoken
    line keeps repeating: "What can you do? There it is."

    In the meantime, those who can will continue to leave. Decent-paying
    work opportunities are hard to come by, and the government does little
    to create new jobs. As the Weekly previously reported, a 2008 study by
    the International Labor Organization showed that 70 percent of
    families with one or more members working abroad received remittances
    from them, which are then used to pay for food and utilities (both of
    which have substantially increased since the report was released).

    People are struggling more than ever to get by.

    Raffi Hovhannisian, one of the most respected Armenian politicians,
    who ironically is among the least taken seriously, is the president's
    main contender. Known for his brutal honesty and strong will, he is
    perceived by some as the beaming icon of what should personify the
    ideal president. He is universally viewed among Armenian citizenry as
    "a nice guy who means well."

    But Hovhannisian is in it alone. None of the other parties have hinted
    at lending their support to his candidacy, which is unsurprising given
    his reputation for being unable to cooperate with virtually anyone.

    Indeed, it is hard to imagine how he would ever form a government. His
    Heritage Party's embarrassing divorce from the Free Democrats after
    Hovhannisian made public his desire for their leader, Khachatur
    Kokobelian, to yield his parliamentary seat to young blood resulted in
    the loss of a broader support base.

    If by divine providence Hovhannisian were to win, he would still have
    the omnipotent oligarchic system to contend with, and the "families"
    would likely be unwilling to serve him (unless he's been secretly
    reaching out). He will have to campaign tremendously hard in the next
    few weeks to prove he is a serious alternative who can actually beat
    President Serge Sarkisian, something that will take a considerable
    amount of convincing. But his slogan, "It's Possible," is certainly

    Paruyr Hayrikian, the legendary dissident from the Soviet era,
    announced his candidacy on Jan. 7. He was quoted by RFE/RL as saying
    that there "will be no constitutional regime change in Armenia through
    these elections because unfortunately power...illegally and legally
    belongs to Serge Sarkisian and his associates subordinate to him."

    [Note: Hayrikian was shot on Jan. 31 and is currently recovering]

    In his Jan. 19 interview with RFE/RL, in response to whether he
    believed he had a rival, Sarkisian's first words were, "I am inclined
    to believe that it is not the government's problem to nurture a
    competitor." No, only the incumbent's.

    Sarkisian doesn't seem to understand how election campaigns really
    work. In the interview with RFE/RL, the president commented, "People
    become presidents with their teams, due to their track record, and not
    by criticizing the government." This baffling statement implies he
    either simply doesn't read international political news or he's
    mocking anyone bothering to peruse his remarks. Then a recent video
    shows the president's gruff indifference to the plight of struggling
    citizens at an Army Day commemorative event as a desperate woman
    approaches him in tears for an answer she can't find.

    The apathy surrounding these elections is shared by citizens and
    political forces alike. Neither the Armenian Revolutionary
    Federation-Dashnaktsutiun (ARF-D), Prosperous Armenia Party, or
    Armenian National Congress agreed to field candidates of their own,
    nor did they consider rallying around a single challenger, as a
    demonstration of no confidence in the fairness of the elections. The
    consensus was nothing more than a noble act of defeatism, a blatant
    affront to the democratic process. Lyudmila Sargsian of the Congress
    on Jan. 9 said that "Serge Sarkisian's reelection is already
    predetermined. I think that it would be unserious of the [Armenian
    National Congress] to enter the fray." In turn, head of the ARF-D
    parliamentary group Armen Rustamyan's said, "I will definitely not
    vote for anybody... In all likelihood, I will write 'against all' on the

    Eligible voters can be divided into three categories: those who will
    vote for the authorities to protect their jobs and way of life; those
    who succumb to vote buying or are intimidated to vote a certain way;
    and those who vote of their own free will, ignoring pressure to vote
    for a particular candidate. Yet, nearly everyone I have ever spoken to
    has told me that the status quo will remain because nothing can ever
    be done to change the system of governance (although some tend to be
    cautiously optimistic). People live in fear-fear of losing their jobs
    and capital, and being oppressed.

    It is not the Sarkisian Administration, or any other for that matter,
    that has been manipulating mindsets. Indifference and fatalism control
    the populace, and thereby obscure their belief in democracy. And
    they're apprehensive of change.

    As a fruit vendor working out of a small trailer in a courtyard near
    Sakharov Square told me the other day, "They say we're living well
    now, although I don't think I totally agree... But it could be a lot
