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"Sarajevo" In Armenia

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  • "Sarajevo" In Armenia

    "Sarajevo" In Armenia

    Igor Muradyan
    13:18 02/02/2013
    Story from News:

    On January 31 someone attempted on the life of the presidential
    candidate, soviet dissident, experienced political figure Paruir
    Hairikyan. The attempt was made by a dilettante backed by the
    political sets of Armenia acting against the pro-Euro-Atlantic
    direction of the foreign policy of Armenia. Is it possible that Russia
    is somehow involved in this? Will they make a Sarajevo out of Yerevan?

    Humiliation and mockery at the Russian army and fleet began not in the
    2000s but far before the collapse of the Soviet Union, and this den
    was set up by the soviet generals mostly of Russian origin (not
    protégés of the CIA). The systemic and conceptual annihilation of not
    Soviet but Russian army began after the appointment of Sergey Ivanov,
    the protégé of the Federal Security Council, to the post of minister
    of defense. Nothing similar had happened even in the period of Stalin
    and Beria.

    Communist leaders have always bewared the army but never had the
    courage to humiliate it so cruelly. On the way to absolute power the
    army was the only hindrance to the most powerful political and
    information corporations. The army did not want to die and yield the
    country to fragmentation, allow its humiliation and sale of its
    natural resources.

    The Russian society was embarrassed and defeated and could not find
    the courage to act against this den.

    Moscow has never had shortage of information on what was going on in
    the offices of the government. One of the goals of the
    political-information corporations is to set up a diversified cash box
    by way of endless enrichment. In this regard a so-called pragmatic
    policy is declared which means equal and not so equal trade in
    politics and arms for money.

    It has become known from highly reliable sources that the protégés of
    the FSC appointed to key departments bluntly justified `closer
    relations with rich Azerbaijan in prejudice of poor Armenia'. A highly
    `geopolitically developed' political researcher based in Moscow said,
    `The Caspian is our sea, the Caspian oil belongs to us, and we must
    get the maximum of this wealth, the Azerbaijanis must pay us a lot,
    Azerbaijan must be the `cash box' of the office. Armenia is not
    counted, everything is fine with it.'

    `Cash box' is the exact wording. Among other functionaries and
    politicians this idea was supported by Dmitry Rogozin, the curator of
    the military industry. In order to prevent unexpected doubts the
    chairs of the State Duma standing committees were bribed, including
    Alexey Ostrovskiy, earlier the chair of the committee of the CIS
    affairs, currently the committee of public organizations.

    To lobby this `intellectuals' of different think tanks were involved
    (such as the Russian Institute of Strategic Studies which FSC took
    under its control). The generals of the General Staff of Russia
    signaled to their colleagues of Armenian origin about their negative
    attitude to supply of modern arms to Azerbaijan, providing detailed
    information on backstage talks at the top of government.

    In 2009 in Moscow a high-ranking official of the General Staff of
    Russia met with the son of a famous Russian politician who had broad
    connections with the Armenian sets with the purpose of providing
    information on Moscow's intentions on supply of weapons to Azerbaijan.
    The mass media received dozed information on this but the Armenian
    society preferred to keep silent, thereby enabling Moscow to act
    further in that direction. (They reached where they reached, and there
    will be more information in the course of time if we are still alive.)

    The current objective is to discredit the policy of Russia aimed at
    correcting mistakes and failures in its policy on South Caucasus. In
    addition, the political-information corporation acts not only against
    improvement of relations with Armenia but also against the opening of
    the Abkhazian railway. It cannot be otherwise because this policy is
    generously rewarded by Azerbaijan.

    Those sets in Moscow have individual plans on Azerbaijan and Georgia,
    there is not a clear action plan on Armenia because they thought they
    have no problems with this country. Now first of all they need to mess
    up everything in Armenia, demonstrate to the West, as well as the
    Russian government, that the Armenian government cannot set long-term
    goals with the Armenian government because it is not a reliable

    It should be noted that there is no need to look for an intrigue
    planned by 100%. In current politics these are very rare, it is a
    multi-level experiment based on the method of `poking'. They have
    chosen Paruir Hairikyan as a `valuable' figure for this purpose. Who
    else could they shoot at? Hrant Bagratyan? Not, of course, it would be
    a farce and a tragicomedy? Who will need him...?

    No doubt the right choice has been made. There were rumors that Serzh
    Sargsyan intended to appoint Paruir Hairikyan as minister of European
    integration and ambassador to NATO after the election. That would be
    an important decision and would boost the reputation of Armenia and
    the Euro-Atlantic community.

    Hence, there was not just running fire (with a possibility of missing)
    but an attempt at assassination. And they shot not only at Armenia, as
    some analysts say, but at Paruir Hairikyan, the personality who may
    play a definite role at this U-turn of foreign policy.

    Paruir Hairikyan has stated that `democratic Russia is Armenia's
    partner'. This is what Moscow and its marionettes in Yerevan dislike.
    In Armenia they need a real anti-Russian party as an argument for
    `giving away' Armenia for their monetary interests. The idea of
    independence is still politically urgent, our society is not

    Get well soon, Paruir, we are waiting for you.
