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Armenian publication on landlocked states is published in Germany

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  • Armenian publication on landlocked states is published in Germany

    Armenian publication on landlocked states is published in Germany

    February 02, 2013 | 11:03

    YEREVAN/STUTTGART. - A new publication, written by an Armenian in
    English language, is now on the market, and it is worldwide as eBook.
    Anna S. Gevorgyan has published her Master thesis she wrote at the
    AmericanUniversity of Armenia in Yerevan.

    The booklet analyses the difficult economic and transport situation of
    landlocked states, of which only Europe could manage that these states
    are in an acceptable and comparable situation. She also adds a
    thorough analysis of the Armenian situation. The book has three ISBN
    numbers: one as print edition, one as PDF eBook edition, and one for a
    Kindle reader with Amazon Worldwide (it is described in

    It is published by LIBERTAS - European Institute, a Germany-based
    European think-tank on European and international governance and
    economy, where Armenia plays a certain role: nine years ago, a
    scenario was written there about a possible accession of Armenia to
    the European Union; some years later, a booklet about the
    complementarity policy, authored by Nona Abazyan M.A., was published,
    in July 2012 the Nagorno-Karabakh elections were monitored
    (, and at present a scenario about
    Armenia and the EU is in preparation.

    Extracts of Anna S. Gevorgyan's book will find also their public in an
    article in one of the next `European Union Foreign Affairs Journal'
    issues, which also are a publication product; this can be
    downloaded - for free, since it is a non-profit operation - from

    From: Baghdasarian