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Capitol Hill protest spotlights anti-Armenian hate crimes in Turkey

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  • Capitol Hill protest spotlights anti-Armenian hate crimes in Turkey

    Capitol Hill protest spotlights anti-Armenian hate crimes in Turkey
    13:00 02.02.2013

    Armenian American youth - their mouths symbolically covered with red
    tape - held a silent protest yesterday, calling on Congress to reject
    Turkey's gag-rule on U.S. affirmation of the Armenian Genocide, citing
    the recent ethnically-motivated attacks against elderly Armenian women
    in Istanbul as the latest example of the dangerous atmosphere created
    by Ankara's denials and ongoing demonization of Armenians.

    The demonstration, held in front of the Dirksen Senate Office
    Building, was organized by Armenian Student Association (ASA) members
    from the across the U.S. along with the Washington, DC `Ani' chapter
    of the Armenian Youth Federation (AYF) Ani chapter and other local
    youth, to coincide with the nationwide `Stain of Denial' campus
    protests organized by the All-ASA and supported by the AYF and ARF
    Shant Student organizations.

    `It was of great importance to make our voices heard and educate the
    American society about the existing anti-Armenian sentiment in Turkey,
    which carries its legacy from the Armenian Genocide of 1915,'
    explained BloomfieldCollege honors student, Armen Sahakyan, an
    organizer of the event. `We, as the Armenian youth, will keep our
    Cause alive for as long as our demands aren't met by the denialist
    Turkish government.'

    UCLA ASA Public Relations Director Knarik Gasparyan, who co-organized
    the event, explained that the effort attracted Armenian and
    non-Armenian youth alike, many in WashingtonDC for Capitol Hill
    internships or semester programs through their colleges and
    universities. `I want to highlight the fact that many non-Armenian
    students participated in today's protest, standing in solidarity with
    us and supporting our efforts to shed light on the horrific hate
    crimes and human rights violations in Turkey,' explained Gasparyan.
    `This once again comes to prove that the cause we fight for and the
    recognition of the Genocide is not simply an Armenian issue, but of
    concern to all humanity.'

    Protesters carried photos and spotlighted four widely publicized
    attacks against elderly Armenian women, one fatal, which have taken
    place over the past two months, in the historically Armenian-inhabited
    neighborhood of Samatya, in central Istanbul. On Dec. 28, an
    85-year-old Armenian woman was repeatedly stabbed and killed in her
    home, with assailants carving a cross on her chest. Other attacks
    include the Nov. 2012 beating of an 87-year-old Armenian woman, and a
    failed attempt to abduct an elderly Armenian woman on Jan. 6.
    According to Turkish news outlet, Bianet, the latest incident took
    place on Jan. 22, when 83-year-old Sultan Aykar was attacked and
    repeatedly kicked until neighbors heard her screams and rushed to
    assist her. Aykar lost sight in one eye because of the brutal

    The beatings sparked a sharp response from Amnesty International
    earlier this week, which called on `Turkish authorities to carry out a
    prompt, thorough and impartial investigation into the series of
    attacks on elderly Armenian women in Istanbul.' The January 28th
    statement stressed that `Hate crimes constitute a serious form of
    discrimination... It is regrettable that Turkish legislation does not
    foresee any legislative and policy measures ensuring that hate motives
    are systematically and thoroughly investigated and duly taken into
    account in the prosecution and sentencing.'

    Questions regarding a government cover-up of the attacks abound, as
    Turkish authorities attempt to downplay the crimes. `The incident was
    inspired by robbery, there were no racial motives. Be sure we will
    find the perpetrators. Good night,' tweeted Istanbul Governor Huseyin
    Avni Mutlu to his 100,000 followers. This and similar statements
    prompted Amnesty International to express `concern at public
    statements made by the authorities discounting the possibility of a
    racist motivation to the attacks.' Meanwhile, the Turkish Human
    Rights Association stated categorically that `the attacks were carried
    out with racist motives,' according to a January 28th Economist
    article, `Turkey's Armenians: The Ghosts of 1915,' referencing the
    legacy of the Armenian Genocide and its denial.

    AYF Washington `Ani' Chapter chairwoman Narineh Abrahamian explained,
    `People around the world must understand that these brutal
    anti-Armenian attacks are the modern day manifestation of the very
    type of intolerance that led to the Armenian Genocide. Over the past
    two months in Turkey, four innocent elderly Armenian women were
    assaulted, and in one case, brutally murdered. This is a significant
    example of hate that is fostered by the Turkish government's continued
    campaign of Genocide denial.'
