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Armenia Gears Up for "Least Interesting" Ballot

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  • Armenia Gears Up for "Least Interesting" Ballot

    Institute for War and Peace Reporting, UK
    IWPR Caucasus Reporting #676
    Feb 15 2013

    Armenia Gears Up for "Least Interesting" Ballot

    President set to sail through, and opposition isn't even trying.
    By Vahe Harutyunyan - Caucasus

    Armenians have the day off on January 18 for the country's
    presidential election, but many see little to celebrate in the
    inevitable re-election of Serzh Sargsyan.

    Of the seven candidates standing for election, Sargsyan has a rating
    of 68 per cent, according to the Gallup polling company.

    Next comes Raffi Hovhannisyan, a former foreign minister who grew up
    in the United States and who has been travelling the country by bus on
    an American-style campaign, but is lagging far behind at 24 per cent.

    Hovhannisyan's Heritage party is the smallest faction in parliament.
    But it is nevertheless the only opposition party fielding a candidate
    for the presidency.

    The three main opposition parties have ruled themselves out.

    Prosperous Armenia leader Gagik Tsarukyan, seen as a strong
    challenger, held a closed-door meeting with President Sargsyan shortly
    before an announcement that he would not be running.

    Levon Ter-Petrosyan, the country's first president after it became
    independent and now leader of the Armenian National Congress, ANC,
    said he felt too old to take part, having turned 68 in January. The
    ANC then announced it was boycotting the poll. The third major
    opposition force, Dashnaktsutyun said the poll would be rigged and it
    would not be taking part.

    The Gallup poll does not suggest a strong showing by the remaining
    five candidates - former prime minister Hrant Bagratyan; Andrias
    Ghukasyan, director of a Yerevan radio station; Paruyr Hayrikyan, a
    Soviet-era dissident who now leads the Union for National
    Self-Determination; Arman Melikyan, a former foreign minister of
    Nagorny Karabakh; and Vardan Sedrakyan, a specialist in epic poetry.

    `The current president does have a high rating compared with the other
    candidates,' Armen Badalyan, a political expert from the Centre for
    Political Studies, said. `But you have to remember that parties like
    the Armenian National Congress, Dashnaktsutyun and Prosperous Armenia
    decided not to take part in the election. And you can't say that the
    candidates running against Sargsyan have much political clout.'

    Levon Zurabyan, who heads the ANC faction in parliament, predicted
    that the turnout in this election would hit at a record low.

    `I think everyone realises that the battle between the candidates is
    just a formality. Not one of the candidates standing against Sargsyan
    is capable of effecting a change of government,' he told reporters.

    Officials dismiss such criticisms and insist this vote will be the
    fairest in Armenia's history.

    `These people who say there's no competition in this election - who
    stopped them taking part?' Sargsyan asked at a meeting with voters in
    Yerevan. `If they won't take part, they must have their own reasons.
    And who's to blame for that - us? Have we blocked their way somehow?
    Have we sent them to prison? Are they under house arrest? Have we
    intimidated them? Are their candidates scared?'

    Much of the recent discussion around the election campaign has focused
    on an attack on Paruyr Hayrikyan, who was shot on January 31. He was
    operated on and was able to leave hospital after three days.

    Hayrikyan, who spent 17 years in Soviet prisons because he campaigned
    for an independent Armenia, was quick to blame `Russian imperialist
    forces' for the attack, saying his pro-western views were a threat to
    some groups in Moscow. The Armenian authorities have arrested two
    suspects in the case.

    The attack placed Hayrikyan at the centre of attention for a while,
    but does not seem to have improved his chances.

    For a while, it seemed that the attack on him might delay the
    election. Armenia's constitution says that if a candidate cannot
    campaign for reasons beyond his control, the vote will be deferred for
    two weeks. Hayrikyan vacillated over whether to apply for a deferral,
    initially saying he would not do so, then changing his mind, and then
    changing it back again.

    Some candidates have dismissed the election as fraudulent, even though
    they are still standing.

    `It's already clear that the election won't free or fair,'
    Hovhannisyan told voters in Echmiadzin. `But this doesn't mean I am
    abandoning the fight.'

    Similar views have been expressed by Bagratyan and Melikyan.
    Ghukasyan, meanwhile, has been staging a hunger strike for the last
    month with the so far unsuccessful aim of `arousing civil

    Armenian businessmen are less than confident that the election will be
    followed by action to turn around the country's depressed economy.

    `I can't say with any certainty that an election like this can resolve
    the serious problems facing the state - emigration, corruption and
    monopolies,' Gagik Marakyan, head of the Union of Employers, said. `
    We need reforms.'

    Official statistics indicate that a third of the population lives in
    poverty, while 180,000 people -six per cent of the population - have
    emigrated in the last five years. The International Monetary Fund says
    that of the three states in the south Caucasus, only Armenia has
    failed to climb back to the economic level it was at prior to the 2008
    global financial crisis.

    On the positive side, Karen Khocharyan, a political analyst and
    commentator on the privately owned Armenia television station, sees
    some grounds for optimism.

    `Democracy isn't going to emerge in Armenia after this most
    uninteresting of elections, but there are some positive signs - that's
    a fact. Look at the media, for example. For the first time, television
    channels have become accessible to the opposition.'

    Vahe Harutyunyan is a freelance journalist in Armenia.

    From: A. Papazian