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For Armenia, promising changes amid elections - Stratfor

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  • For Armenia, promising changes amid elections - Stratfor

    For Armenia, promising changes amid elections - Stratfor
    16:09 - 15.02.13

    Armenia's presidential election on Feb. 18 is unlikely to lead to any
    significant political changes within the country, but it comes amid a
    broader strategic shift in the South Caucasus. Due to an ongoing
    political thaw between Russia and Georgia, the Armenian economy could
    see a boost from increased regional economic integration, which may
    also reduce Yerevan's own political isolation.

    Unlike in neighboring Azerbaijan and some other authoritarian states
    in the former Soviet Union, Armenian presidential elections typically
    have been heavily competitive. In both 1998 and 2003, presidential
    elections went to a second round because no candidate was able to
    obtain the requisite 50 percent of the vote to win in the first round.
    In the past, this competitiveness has occasionally led to violence and
    instability in the country. The 2008 elections that ushered current
    Armenian President Serzh Sarkisian into power were accompanied by
    protests in the capital involving tens of thousands of supporters of
    the challenger, Levon Ter-Petrosian. The demonstrations turned violent
    and ended only after security forces intervened, resulting in several
    deaths and hundreds of injuries.

    Unlike previous elections, this one is not expected to be competitive;
    no candidate is seriously challenging Sarkisian and two of the
    country's other top political figures, former presidents Ter-Petrosian
    and Robert Kocharian, both declined to run. Consequently, the prospect
    for instability or violence surrounding it is diminished. Sarkisian is
    projected to win comfortably, with most polls showing him taking 60
    percent to 70 percent of the vote.

    In terms of foreign policy, the election is unlikely to lead to any
    significant shift regardless of who emerges victorious. All candidates
    broadly support Yerevan's close relationship with Russia. Moscow is
    the primary provider of Armenia's energy, foreign aid and investment,
    and Russia also owns many of the country's strategic assets such as
    railways, telecommunications infrastructure and natural gas pipelines.
    More important, Russia has 5,000 troops stationed in Armenia and
    serves as a security guarantor in the country's ongoing conflict with
    Azerbaijan over the breakaway territory of Nagorno-Karabakh. Armenia's
    geopolitical orientation is unlikely to change.

    However, a significant shift is under way beyond Armenia's borders.
    For the past decade, the country has served as Russia's main anchor in
    the Caucasus, while Georgia pursued close ties with the United States
    and NATO and Azerbaijan attempted to balance its allegiances between
    the West and Russia. But since the election of Georgian Prime Minister
    Bidzina Ivanishvili in 2012, Tbilisi has been in the process of
    improving ties with Moscow. While countries such as Azerbaijan and
    Turkey are worried about this shift, Armenia strongly supports the
    move. Strengthened ties between Georgia and Russia have led to renewed
    interest in projects such as reviving the Georgia-Russia railway via
    Abkhazia, which would give Armenia a direct rail link to Russia and
    could boost the Armenian economy.

    Though this project and others still face obstacles, they could reduce
    Armenia's isolation in the Caucasus. Yerevan has long been a stalwart
    ally of Moscow, and the emergence of a more pro-Russian tilt in the
    region could boost the country's political and economic prospects.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress