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Canada's Largest Online News Site Referred To The Conflict Of Nagorn

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  • Canada's Largest Online News Site Referred To The Conflict Of Nagorn


    18:06, 21 February, 2013

    YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 21, ARMENPRESS: Canada's largest online news site-
    The Star referred to the conflict of Nagorno Kharabagh. As reports
    Armenpress, on the 25th anniversary of the conflict the news site
    referred to the unresolved ethnic strife in Nagorno-Karabakh, stating
    that even the leading experts on the little known region can't predict
    what could be the next.

    "The risk may seem relatively low," said Thomas de Waal of the Carnegie
    Endowment, "but the only thing that is stopping a war is the leaders'
    own calculation."

    Since the war broke, the tiny territory of about 160,000 people has
    become a "frozen conflict" zone despite rounds of peace talks to
    settle its status. Meanwhile, according to de Waal, Azerbaijan has
    become an economic oil giant in the region, but with a democratic
    deficit. President Ilham Aliyev's regime is using its new-found wealth
    to equip and expand the army. It is also ratcheting up tensions with
    anti-Armenian rhetoric. An example of one of such extreme cases is
    the case of 75-year-old writer Akram Aylisli, who was burnt in effigy
    for a book he wrote to heal relations between ethnic Azerbaijanis
    and Armenians.

    "Azerbaijan doesn't want a compromise with people who 'stole our land,'
    " de Waal said last week at University of Toronto's Munk Centre. "It
    spends $4 billion a year on its army. There's also the possibility of
    an accidental war started along the ceasefire line - one day someone
    could lob a mortar shell across it."

    In an uneasy neighborhood that includes traditional foes Iran, Turkey
    and Russia, a renewed conflict could have a ripple effect.

    The news site reports that both sides routinely attend sporadic peace
    talks and say they want a peace deal. But with Azerbaijan demanding
    a return of Karabakh, with some autonomy, and Armenia insisting
    on independence, it's unlikely to happen soon. There are perfectly
    sensible plans for peace, but there have to be basic levels of trust.
