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Thousands protest in Armenia against re-elected president

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  • Thousands protest in Armenia against re-elected president

    Chicago Tribune, IL
    Feb 23 2013

    Thousands protest in Armenia against re-elected president

    February 22, 2013|Hasmik Lazarian | Reuters

    YEREVAN (Reuters) - Thousands of people protested in Armenia's capital
    Yerevan on Friday against the re-election of President Serzh Sarksyan,
    asserting that an opposition party leader was the real winner.

    International monitors said Monday's vote was an improvement on recent
    elections in Armenia but there was little competition as some of
    Sarksyan's most prominent rivals did not run, saying the result was
    likely to be skewed to deliver him victory.

    The rally in Yerevan's Freedom Square was peaceful and there were no
    protests in other cities in the ex-Soviet republic. But analysts are
    concerned about instability in a region that is a key transit route
    for Caspian gas and oil deliveries to Europe.

    Backers of Sarksyan's second-placed rival Raffi Hovannisian chanted
    "Raffi! Raffi!" and "Armenia! Armenia" at the rally, alleging that the
    vote was rigged in favor of the Sarksyan.

    "We should carry on our fight calmly and according to the
    constitution. Our democratic movement will not stop and we will
    achieve victory," Hovannisian told the crowd, raising a clenched fist
    over his head.

    "Welcome Armenia! You are the people, you have chosen your servant,"
    U.S.-born Hovannisian, accompanied by his wife and son, said to the
    protesters, who were waving Armenian flags.

    Hovannisian told protesters that the president, at a meeting on
    Thursday, rejected his demand for a rerun of the vote.

    Official results showed Sarksyan winning 58.6 percent of the votes,
    compared to nearly 37 percent for Hovannisian.

    Hovannisian said he would start touring cities and villages where he
    polled ahead of Sarksyan in the election, before staging another
    protest rally in the same square on Sunday.

    "There is a 'tradition' in post-Soviet countries that those who scored
    second or third positions always question results of elections, no
    matter what," said analyst Sergei Minasyan.

    "I think Raffi Hovannisian is aiming for a long march that would
    somehow unite the opposition to keep up the pressure and maybe benefit
    from it in the approaching elections for local governments, including
    for the Yerevan mayor."

    The disputed result of the 2008 presidential election triggered
    violent unrest in which 10 people were killed.

    Armenia, a South Caucasus country of 3.2 million that has a collective
    security deal with Russia, is also locked in dispute with neighbor
    Azerbaijan over the enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh.

    About 30,000 people were killed in a 1990s war between the neighbors
    over Nagorno-Karabakh, an ethnic Armenian-majority enclave inside
    Azerbaijan, which Armenian-backed rebels wrested from Azeri troops.

    (Writing by Gabriela Baczynska; Editing by Mark Heinrich)
