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Turkey eyes Karabakh step from Armenia to open ways

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  • Turkey eyes Karabakh step from Armenia to open ways

    Turkey eyes Karabakh step from Armenia to open ways ` Hurriyet Daily News

    12:36 ˘ 23.02.13

    By Serkan DemirtaĊ?

    Turkey has proposed that Armenia take part in its comprehensive
    regional transportation project linking Europe to Asia, if there are
    concrete developments in solving Nagorno-Karabakh dispute with
    Azerbaijan, reflecting a political will to build a win-win situation
    for all countries in the southern Caucasus in a post-conflict era.

    `We are trying to activate the OSCE Minsk Group for the solution of
    the Nagorno-Karabakh dispute. We introduced the Integrated
    Transportation Corridors Project to the Minsk Group in November 2012.
    This project is to be implemented in peace time and particularly after
    Armenia moves on with regard to its occupation in seven regions
    bordering Nagorno-Karabakh,' Turkish diplomatic sources told the
    Hürriyet Daily News recently. `We are proposing full normalization of
    ties between Turkey-Armenia and Armenia-Azerbaijan.'

    Armenia's occupation of Azerbaijan's Nagorno-Karabakh and seven
    regions bordering the territory since early 1990s stands as the main
    hurdle in front of regional stability and prosperity. Turkey supported
    Azerbaijan and sealed its borders with Armenia in a move further
    fueling already strained ties over the latter's campaign to have the
    1915 killings of Armenians at the hands of the Ottoman Empire
    recognized as genocide by the international community.

    Turkey's recent move to reconcile with Armenia was nixed due to strong
    Azeri reaction in 2010, which caused suspension of the ratification of
    two key protocols for establishing diplomatic relations and opening
    the sealed borders. Turkey has since re-focused on seeking ways to
    activate the almost futile Minsk Group, under the Organization of
    Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), for pushingAzerbaijan and
    Armenia to agree on a peace plan.

    Within this framework, Turkey introduced its Integrated Transportation
    Corridors Project to the Minsk Group on Nov. 8, 2012 during a meeting
    in Vienna attended by three co-chair countries, France,Russia and the
    United States. `It has received a positive response from all Minsk
    Group countries,' sources told the Daily News. `We have made clear to
    them this project is aiming at creating a peace perspective to the
    benefit of all relevant parties.'

    Railways, roads, cities

    The proposed transportation project has two phases. On the one hand it
    is focused on linking Turkey, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Russia
    Federation through fixing unused railways and building new ones. Along
    with the Kars-Tbilisi-Baku railway project that is expected to be
    concluded by the end of this year, the Turkey-Armenia railway may be
    re-opened after just a minor rehabilitation. Parallel to the railway,
    a new modern highway is also being considered to further increase
    trade and human traffic between the two countries.

    `Obviously, we are also planning to build new logistical centers and
    residential areas, as well as mass housing projects along these routes
    to create a new regional hub,' sources stressed. `The only objective
    of this project is to create an economic pick-up in the region, for
    the advantage of all countries and for the prosperity of their

    In consideration with the economic prospects and strategic importance
    that the outer region of the Caucasus offers, Turkey's project also
    addresses the need to link regional countries to Europe and Asia. A
    transportation line between London and Beijing will soon be possible
    with the conclusion of the Marmaray Project and the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars
    railroad, while normalization of the political situation in the region
    would also allow Armenia to join this growing strategic picture,
    sources close to the project claim.

    Azerbaijan is informed about the project

    Known for its suspicion of potential Turkish-Armenian reconciliation,
    Azerbaijan has been informed about the content of the project by
    Turkey. `They know what we want. We have made clear them that this is
    a project that will be implemented only after Armenia moves towards
    peace,' Azerbaijani sources stressed.

    Armenia, however, has so far remained cool to Turkey's project, and
    has not conveyed an official reaction through the Minsk Group.

    After President Serzh Sargisyan's victory in last week's elections,
    Turkey does not expect an immediate change in Armenia's policies on
    the Nagorno-Karabakh problem. `We don't anticipate a substantial
    change in their policies until 2015,' Turkish sources stated.

    Armenia and its organized diaspora communities are actively
    campaigning for an overall recognition of 1915 killings as genocide
    across the world in the centennial commemoration of the incident.
