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NKR Foreign Minister: Human Rights Record In Our Republic Is Signifi

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  • NKR Foreign Minister: Human Rights Record In Our Republic Is Signifi


    15:53 27/02/2013 Â" SOCIETY

    On February 26, a conference titled "Lithuania and Armenia: a look to
    the recent past" dedicated to the 25 anniversary of the democratic
    movements in Armenia and Lithuania and the National liberation
    struggle of the Armenians of Artsakh took place in Seimas, Parliament
    of Lithuania, NKR MFA press service reported.

    The participants also honored the memory of the victims of the
    Sumgait massacre.

    Members of the Lithuanian legislative body, representatives of
    political, social and academic circles, including the founding members
    of the Lithuanian movement of "Sajudis" as well as members of the
    Armenian community of Lithuania participated in the conference.

    Minister of Foreign Affairs Karen Mirzoyan was invited as a special
    guest of the conference and delivered a speech where he noted that
    the movements of the national revival that united the Armenian and
    Lithuanian peoples around common ideals and principles of freedom
    and democracy have resulted in independence. "In Lithuanian case the
    independence gave its people possibility to restore its statehood and
    fully integrate into the international community, European Union,"
    stated Karen Mirzoyan, stressing that the people of Artsakh not
    only had to assert its right to freedom and independence but also
    to struggle for its survival and right to live on the land of its

    The minister reminded that Azerbaijan from the very beginning rejected
    dialogue and search for political settlement of the issue, resorting to
    the threats and terror, in response to the peaceful and lawful demands
    of the people of the Nagorno Karabakh. "But our people withstood
    and passed the test of the imposed war. In May 1994 the ceasefire
    agreement was signed which gave us an opportunity of peaceful life
    and building of an independent statehood," said Karen Mirzoyan.

    He stressed that NKR is committed to the democratic way of the
    state building, which guarantees all the fundamental human rights
    and freedoms. Even though Nagorno Karabakh is an unrecognized state
    and may not undertake commitments to observe the universal democratic
    standards before international organizations, but it is steadfast in
    following them. "Moreover the human rights record in our republic
    is significantly higher than in many recognized states, which was
    reflected in the last Freedom House report," the minister noted. He
    expressed regret that the unrecognized status of the NKR is a barrier
    for its full involvement in the international developments that in turn
    limits the exercise of fundamental rights and freedoms of its citizens.

    Dwelling upon the issue of Azerbaijani-Karabakh conflict settlement,
    the minister reiterated the the NKR's commitment to the peaceful
    settlement of all disputable issues with Azerbaijan. At the same
    time he noted with regret that the official Baku does not only reject
    all the proposals of the mediators but also suppresses any even weak
    initiatives towards reconciliation, as well as implants cult of hatred
    towards Armenians and anything Armenian and propagates xenophobia,
    intolerance and militaristic moods.

    Member of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia Vahan
    Hovhannesyan and Armenian Ambassador to Lithuania Ara Ayvazyan
    addressed the conference and noted the irreversibility of the
    democratic processes started 25 years ago, emphasizing the importance
    of the ideas and the spirit in the peaceful settlement of conflicts.

    Members of Seimas DangutÄ- MikutienÄ-, Algis KaÅ¡Ä-ta, Vilija
    AleknaitÄ--AbramikienÄ- also delivered speeches and mentioned the
    importance of the imperative of staying committed to the ideas of
    the democratic movements.

    Lithuanian MP Dalia Kuodyte read a declaration on to establishing
    in the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania Friendship Group with the
    Republic of Artsakh (the Nagorno Karabakh Republic).

    The original of the signed document was officially handed in to NKR
    Foreign Minister Karen Mirzoyan. 9 members of different fractions of
    the Lithuanian Seimas joined the initiative.

