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Putin's Visit Does Not Cause Fear In Armenia

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  • Putin's Visit Does Not Cause Fear In Armenia

    Naira Hayrumyan
    16:40 09/01/2013
    Story from News:

    Switzerland has frozen the accounts of the defendants of the Magnitsky
    case - the "untouchables", probably responsible for the death of
    Hermitage Capital auditor Sergei Magnitsky.

    Actually, the rough law about the orphans adopted by the State Duma of
    Russia became another desperate attempt of the Russian authorities to
    keep their accounts in foreign banks. The issue is that the Magnitsky
    law passed in the U.S. supposes to ban Russian officials involved in
    that case to visit the U.S., as well as to freeze their bank accounts.

    Since Russian officials do not trust Russian banks and prefer investing
    in Swiss banks, the law was an opportunity to disarm immediately
    the fat and stubborn Russian officials. No accident it caused such a
    nervous reaction of the Russian elite - everyone knows that tomorrow
    they can get notified about freezing their accounts. And this is the
    worst for the officials.

    The process has already begun, but the "Magnitsky list", according
    to the law, can vary depending on who the United States want to punish.

    It is possible that the list will include people from the CIS
    countries, which are also accused of "violating human rights".

    It is noteworthy that the "Magnitsky list" was passed in the U.S.

    after Putin, once re-elected, started pushing out the American funds
    from Russia and actively lobbying for the creation a new USSR. The
    U.S. State Secretary stated openly that they won't allow Russia
    restoring the USSR, and as a means of prevention, the most painful
    method was chosen - freezing of the accounts of the major officials.

    By the way, the overthrow of Arab dictators also started with the
    freezing of accounts, this move against any country is a sign that
    the Western community has decided to change the regime. Russia, of
    course, is not Libya or Egypt, but Russian authorities without their
    billions will be nothing.

    That's what caused the nervousness of the Russian leadership. Perhaps
    this is due to the fact that the Eurasian project died safely, and
    Putin's visit to Armenia that was announced several times never took
    place. And although there are rumors that he could still come in the
    first half of January, but in Armenia, they don't wait for his visit
    with fear, but rather with irony. Not least because it became obvious
    that Putin failed to nominate his person for president in Armenia,
    a loyal candidate to Russia and an apologist of the Eurasian Union.

    However, Putin's visit is also expected in the hope that Russia can
    adjust its policies and understand that the days when the time when
    the land was conquered by the Russian boot is over. Understand that
    the law of Dima Yakovlev was not a response to the "law of Magnitsky",
    but its continuation to discredit the Russian leadership.
