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Turkey's Dependence On U.S. Missile Policy Grows

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  • Turkey's Dependence On U.S. Missile Policy Grows

    Igor Muradyan
    14:35 11/01/2013
    Story from News:

    Land troops no longer have a crucial role in defense, as well as global
    and regional issues. Even navy's function is limited to transportation
    of missiles. The relations between the United States and Eurasia
    (geographic, not political region is meant), first of all with Russia,
    are practically based on missile-related issues.

    Soon China will be a leading direction of proliferation of missile
    forces but now the key tryout focuses on Iran, and tactical tricks
    relating to Russia are ending.

    It is difficult to imagine the current system without the current
    policy of the United States and NATO on missile forces but the missile
    factor is increasingly playing a role in the solution of political
    issues. (In April 2001 the meeting of Armenia and Azerbaijan in Key
    West was also initiated in the context of the U.S. objectives relating
    to missiles, and the relations with Russia regarding missiles.)

    Turkey is viewed in the context of solution of the missile problem
    in the region, and there are no doubts that "threats" from Syria
    are conventional. NATO would certainly like to show that its ally's
    interests are taken into account and "pay its debt" to Ankara but
    missile excellence in the region, especially legitimate, has a
    crucial role.

    Now it is difficult for a country interested in these developments
    to offer counterarguments but some states of the Near East had a
    positive attitude to the solution of missile issues, even those who
    do not want to strengthen Turkey's foothold.

    But is Turkey's foothold strengthening or does it depend more on the
    United States and NATO? There is no doubt, especially considering
    that NATO and Turkey have contrary interests. Turkey wants to change
    its tactics and carry on its foreign political doctrine in line with
    its interests with the support of the United States and NATO, while
    the Western community is trying to increase control over Turkey.

    In this alignment of interests Russia has no prospects of establishment
    of more of less reliable relations with Turkey. If the issue of
    missiles is built up, the Russian-Turkish relations may be based on
    economic interests only.

    Certainly, now both Russia and Iran, as well as the Arab states, are
    nervous in their reaction to the normalization of the U.S.-Turkish
    relations but in the nearest future the states surrounding Turkey
    will be interested in growing control by the United States and NATO.

    Unfortunately, real politics is far behind analyses. What is the
    reason of this phenomenon which is becoming a chronic condition? Most
    probably, the reason is the deep and hopeless economization of politics
    and the ruling elites.

    At the same time, new global elite has emerged and is stepping on
    the arena which revives pragmatic idealism as a form of thinking,
    motivation of behavior and a means of working out and making
    decisions. From this point of view, the elites of small countries
    have some advantages and can benefit from it.
