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Tamara Vardanyan (Historian): The Official Version Of Ethnogenesis O

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  • Tamara Vardanyan (Historian): The Official Version Of Ethnogenesis O

    2013-01-14 12:08:17

    Interview with a candidate of historical sciences, the author of the
    monograph "The Azerbaijanis: The Story of unfinished ethnoproject"
    Tamara Vardanyan.

    1. Recently your book "The Azerbaijanis: The Story of unfinished
    ethnoproject" was published in Moscow. What goal do you pursue?

    First of all, the desire to tell the truth to people and especially
    the Azerbaijanis. The version of the ethnic group of origin, which
    is now the policy and invariably imposed, is a fiction, and does not
    hold critics from a scientific point of view.

    2. Presentation of the book took place in Moscow on the 30th of August
    this year. Have you submitted your book in other countries?

    The official presentation took place, as you know, in Moscow. But
    the geography of the book itself is quite large. Just recently I have
    been at a conference in Ukraine, where participants-historians from
    different countries have an opportunity to familiarize with it.

    I also have a trip to Moldova, where the book will also be presented
    by me at the international symposium on identity. I should add that
    the book has appeared not only in bookstores of Russia and Armenia,
    but also in the chain stores of "Russian book" in the cities such as
    London, Massachusetts, Frankfurt, Tokyo, etc.

    3. What about Turkologists in Armenia?

    It is known that the science in Armenia is experiencing hard times.

    There is a lack of state support, and there are not also clear
    priorities in the selection of research topics and areas. However, the
    Armenian scientists are trying to answer the challenges of the time
    and tend to go with dignity out of this difficult situation. Despite
    the "brain drain," there is the potential, but we need to organize
    it properly.

    4. So why do you use the term "ethnoproject" against the Azerbaijani
    ethnic group? In general, what is Azerbaijani people on your point
    of view?

    The word "ethnoproject" does not have negative connotations, as it may,
    perhaps, be seen in the wider communities. The core can be considered
    the Turkic Muslims of Eastern Transcaucasia, but, in fact, the modern
    Azerbaijanis are a conglomerate of different national and linguistic,
    religious and even racial groups that are almost discard the Mongoloid
    type, still not developed in a culturally homogeneous community.

    5. What is the origin history of Azerbaijanis?

    Since the second half of the XIX century to the present among the
    Turkic-speaking Muslims of eastern Transcaucasia, there are three main
    phases of drifting identity with the following conditional dates:
    1) the end of the XIX century; 1920th years. - Inization and start
    of Turkization 2) 1930th years; from 1930 to 1990 - turkization
    and Stalin azerbaijanization and 3) from 1991 to the present day -
    drifting between newly galvanized the post-Soviet ethnic Turkism and
    inherited from the Soviet system Azerbaijanizm.

    In fact, public opinion in Azerbaijan drifting between them and
    the state machine continues to purposefully introduce identity of
    Azerbaijanis, still trying to ethnicise.

    6. Why does the term South Azerbaijan appear now?

    It is a political project, which has expansionist goals for Iran.

    7. In your opinion, is there a way out of the Karabakh conflict?

    The fact that this issue has been resolved on the battlefield in
    1991-1994., when the Armenians of Artsakh during the forced and
    imposed war of self-defense defended their right of freedom and
    independence. Now it is clear that Nagorno-Karabakh will never return
    to Azerbaijan.

    But the problem is that the Azerbaijani side, constantly worrying,
    tries to use the anti-Armenian sentiment in society to crystallize
    their identity and complete the process of nation building.

    8. Can it be said that the history of Armenians and Azerbaijanis or
    Caucasian Tatars is saturated withnegative, in what they sometimes
    try to believe us?

    Definitely can not say so because of the history of relations in
    principle is somewhere over 100 years, which also included 70-year-old
    Soviet era of peaceful coexistence. In the Soviet period, although
    there was a latent intolerance, open competition, including enhanced
    de- Armenization of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Region),
    the cities of Baku and other regions of Azerbaijan SSR, finally,
    the complete de -Armenization of Nakhichevan, but it turned into hot
    conflict only to the sunset of the USSR.

    9. Where your ancestors from?

    Paternal - Kars, maternal - Tbilisi. I was born and grew up in Yerevan.

    10. Do you have a favorite place in Armenia?

    My flat, from the windows which Ararat and Aragats, and the mountain
    Arai are visable.

    11. What is the role of Armenians in your life?

    I am a person of action. I do not like talking about it.
