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Opening Of Khankendi Airport In Armenian-Occupied Nagorno-Karabakh V

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  • Opening Of Khankendi Airport In Armenian-Occupied Nagorno-Karabakh V

    BAKU, Azerbaijan, January 15, 2013 /PRNewswire/ --

    Azerbaijan has strongly condemned the planned opening of Khankendi
    airport in Armenian-occupied Nagorno-Karabakh. Ahead of the next
    meeting of EuroNest PA, the head of the Azerbaijani delegation, Elkhan
    Suleymanov said: "The International Civil Aviation Organization
    (ICAO) and the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) should
    not certify the opening of a new airport in the Armenian-occupied
    Nagorno-Karabakh and the launch of civil flight routes from and to
    it, which so obviously violate Azerbaijan's airspace and the rules
    of international law."

    Suleymanov added that operating civil flights in Nagorno-Karabakh
    without the consent of the State Civil Aviation Administration of
    the Republic of Azerbaijan, would both contradict the 1994 Chicago
    Convention on Civil Aviation and go against the principles of state
    sovereignty and territorial integrity of Baku, recognised in its
    Resolutions No. 822, 854, 873, and 884, by the UN Security Council
    and confirmed in similar documents by the European Parliament, PACE,
    OSCE PA, and other international organisations.

    The controversy follows a period of renewed efforts by the
    international community, together with the mediation of the OSCE Minsk
    Group, to achieve a peaceful settlement of the Frozen Conflict of
    Nagorno-Karabakh, the region seized by separatist Armenian paramilitary
    groups together with seven surrounding districts in Azerbaijan in
    the aftermath of the collapse of theSoviet Union in the early 1990s.

    The Azerbaijani delegation stresses that the intention to illegally
    open the airport of Khankendi is a provocation and proves that the
    Armenian side is not interested in the solution of the conflict.

    Launching new civil flight routes in the occupied territories
    "escalates the atmosphere of distrust between the parties,
    destructively influences the process of negotiations and serves to
    realise claims on changing the status of Nagorno-Karabakh and to
    internationally legalise the occupational regimes," said Suleymanov.

    In October last year, Armenia announced its intention to open the
    airport of Khankendi in order to operate civil flights from and
    toYerevan. The move raised protests among the international community.

    The Special Representative of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office for the
    South Caucasus, Patrick Murphy, said at a press conference in November
    that "Whatever is done regarding this airport, it cannot have any
    consequences for the status of this territory." The International
    Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) and the European Civil Aviation
    Conference (ICAC) also publicly voiced their support for the position
    of Baku on this issue.

    The airport of Khankendi is close to Khojaly, a city which holds
    special significance for Azerbaijan, as over six hundred ethnic
    Azerbaijani civilians were killed there on 25-26 February 1992 by
    Armenian and, partially, CIS armed forces during the Nagorno-Karabakh
    War. Western governments and the western media refer to it as the
    Khojaly Massacre or Khojaly Tragedy. Azerbaijani and Turkish sources
    refer to it as the Khojaly Genocide.

    SOURCE Azerbaijan Monitor
