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Protracted Conflicts, Human Trafficking And Media Freedom Amongst Uk

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  • Protracted Conflicts, Human Trafficking And Media Freedom Amongst Uk

    15:34 17.01.2013

    Ukraine's Foreign Minister Leonid Kozhara today announced his country's
    priorities for the 2013 OSCE Chairmanship, with the progress on
    resolution of protracted conflicts, combating trafficking in human
    beings and promotion of the media freedom amongst key issues.

    Addressing the OSCE Permanent Council, he said that Ukraine's
    priorities for 2013 include assisting parties in protracted
    conflicts to find political solutions, with a focus on re-energizing
    existing formats for negotiation. They include negotiations on the
    Transdniestrian settlement, the Geneva Discussions on the August
    2008 conflict in Georgia and talks on Nagorno-Karabakh led by the
    OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs.

    "We are convinced that the so-called protracted conflicts continue
    to represent a serious threat to our regional stability. Helping
    the parties to find a political solution should remain the highest
    priority for the OSCE, the Chairmanship and for all participating
    States," Minister Kozhara said.

    Stressing the Ukrainian Chairmanship determination to contribute to
    the Transdniestrian settlement process, Minister Kozhara announced
    his first visit as a Chairperson-in-Office to Moldova next week.

    Ukraine's Foreign Minister underlined the importance of continuing
    efforts aimed at strengthening arms control mechanisms and confidence-
    and security building measures.

    Ukraine will actively engage to counter transnational threats such
    as terrorism, organized crime, and trafficking in human beings,
    weapons and drugs. In economic area the Chairmanship will focus on
    environmental aspects of energy-related activities.

    Promoting implementation of existing commitments in the human
    dimension, media freedom and youth human rights education are top
    priorities for the Chairmanship, OSCE Chairperson said.

    He also called participating States for examining the security
    implications of the planned withdrawal of international forces
    from Afghanistan in 2014 and potential OSCE responses, and said the
    Chairmanship would look into holding an event on the topic.

    Minister Kozhara pledged his country's commitment to the OSCE and its
    concept of comprehensive and indivisible security, rooted in agreed
    principles and commitments. The OSCE "stands out amongst international
    organizations" and remains an "indispensable platform for inclusive
    dialogue". Ukraine's overarching goal would be to strengthen that role,
    the Chairperson-in-Office stressed.

    He also welcomed the adoption of the Dublin Ministerial Council
    decision on the Helsinki +40 process as it registered the determination
    of all the Participating States to launch a result-oriented dialogue on
    many key issues leading up to the 40th Helsinki Final Act anniversary
    of 2015. In this context Minister Kozhara announced the Ukrainian
    Chairmanship decision to establish an open-ended Helsinki+40 Working
    Group to drive this process forward.

    Leonid Kozhara also announced the Ukrainian Chairmanship initiative
    to host an international event aimed at engaging youth representatives
    from all OSCE participating States and Partners for Co-operation.

    The Permanent Council is one of the OSCE's main regular decision-making
    bodies. It convenes weekly in Vienna to discuss developments in the
    OSCE area and to make decisions.
