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Grimy Gatto (VI) Strikes Again

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  • Grimy Gatto (VI) Strikes Again

    Grimy Gatto (VI) Strikes Again
    Friday, January 18th, 2013

    Grimy Gatto (VI) Strikes Again

    A Blown Opportunity

    January 12 marked the date of the California Democratic Party's 43rd
    Assembly District Election Meeting. At this and 79 similar meetings
    held during that weekend, six men and six women were elected to
    represent each of California's assembly districts at state conventions
    in 2013 and 2014. In addition, one executive board member was elected
    from each district who will be more actively engaged in the party's
    ongoing affairs.

    Over the last decade, Armenian participation in this biennial election
    has increased, in large part due to the ANCA's efforts. More Armenians
    have gotten elected to office each time, working towards the day when
    our community will be represented in proportion to its growing size
    and participation in civic life within the borders of the 43rd
    Assembly District, which includes Burbank, parts of the Crescenta
    Valley, Glendale, and parts of Hollywood.

    Seven of us from ANCA circles (yes, for full disclosure I was a
    candidate to serve as a delegate from the 43rd) cooperated and worked
    to turn out our friends to vote. There were other Armenian candidates
    as well with whom some of us coordinated efforts at the last minute.
    There were at least two other slates of candidates. The largest was a
    full complement of twelve fielded by Assemblymember Mike Gatto. We
    reached out to Gatto to cooperate but were rebuffed. This was yet
    another effort to improve the strained relations between this elected
    official and our community. It constitutes the missed opportunity on
    Gatto's part.

    The matter referenced by the author

    So far, so good, right? It all seems like normal, if not optimal,
    behaviors in the context of an election. But beyond this, it gets

    Gatto's minions had come prepared. His modus operandi is to always
    attack viciously, and this time, I was a specific target. You can see
    for yourself, in the accompanying picture, what they were
    distributing. You can also see how misleading the whole attack is. The
    handout refers to `good' Democrats. But Mike Gatto is far from being
    such a person. He has engaged in all kinds of shenanigans, as I've
    chronicled, all very unbecoming of a Democrat.

    Among those misbehaviors is subtle voter suppression (see `Solution
    Seeking Problem' in the November 19, 2011 Asbarez) , something his
    cohort did again at this delegate election. Led by a top Gatto aide,
    35 Armenians who had come to vote were `challenged', i.e. their right
    to vote questioned. You might think this is legitimate, especially
    since a few of them turned out to be registered as `No party
    preference' and had evidently forgotten that status. But this course
    of action takes on a decidedly more questionable hue when I am told
    that one of those rejected, upon later verification, turns out to have
    been a Democrat. That individual is planning to file a complaint with
    the Democratic Party. It all becomes crystal-clear when one of the
    people challenged by the aide turns out to be a board member of the
    California Armenia American Democrats (CAAD), someone the aide knows
    is serving in that position, especially since the aide is a member of
    CAAD. The point of challenging so many people, it becomes obvious, is
    not sincere concern, but intimidation and harassment, probably in the
    hopes of discouraging them from voting. This is the disrespect with
    which Gatto and his fellow travelers treat Armenians. Oh, and guess
    what, on the Gatto slate, there was one Armenian, one of his
    employees, no less. That's one out of twelve, just over 8% in a
    district that is well over 25% Armenian.

    The day after the election, a posting appeared on a local (to the
    district) blog known best for it's being a front operation for Mike
    Gatto. It vilifies, usually without grounds, people and groups who are
    on Gatto's enemies list. This posting denigrated the ANCA, likening
    the organization to the Lyndon Larouche supporters within the
    Democratic Party (a group that is looked upon with great disdain) and
    effectively claiming the ANCA is anti-Semitic. It is obvious to me
    that this was a `hit' in response to the seven of us `daring' to run
    for the delegate positions against his candidates, since, of course,
    we should all be sniveling underlings to his magnificence...

    But it gets worse. On the same day, many people in the community
    received an e-mail from Lori Adams, president of the Burbank Teachers
    Association. This e-mail was addressed to Gatto, and revealed that
    Gatto had threatened the leader of the slate she was on. As a result,
    this person felt obliged to not attend the election. For a change, the
    LATimes, (`Head of Burbank teachers union clashes with Assemblyman
    Mike Gatto,') along with its local affiliate, The Burbank Leader,
    reported on Assemblymember Mike Gatto's misdeeds, although only
    on-line, and not in print, as of this writing. They have tended not to
    expose his improprieties as thoroughly as they might.

    Gatto's slate won. But he's probably concerned that he may not be able
    to pull of the same feat in two years. Given his patterns of behavior,
    including not reaching for the hand extended in cooperation in this
    case as so many times in the past, he will probably continue to
    antagonize his constituents instead of being decent and magnanimous in
    victory; instead of being a leader; instead of working for the
    betterment of the close to half a million people in the district he is
    supposed to represent.

    You might consider reaching out to Mike and telling him how
    objectionable you find all this. Here's his contact info:
    300 East Magnolia Boulevard Suite 504
    Burbank, CA 91502
