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Ivanishvili's Armenian visit adds fuel to confrontation with Saakash

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  • Ivanishvili's Armenian visit adds fuel to confrontation with Saakash

    Ivanishvili's Armenian visit adds fuel to confrontation with Saakashvili
    Georgian president's reaction is clear; his efforts to please his
    Muslim neighbours are collapsing now.

    The Georgian Prime Minister Bidzina Ivanishvili could not but visit
    Yerevan, and not because of his preceding visit to Baku. The
    significance of Georgia's Armenian community in the country's life in
    far greater than that of the Azerbaijani one, and this has its reasons
    indeed. Saakashvili, on Turkey's advice, zealously supported the
    Azerbaijanis, and the Georgian Dream, now at power, is trying to
    minimize the Muslim influence in Tbilisi.
    January 19, 2013
    PanARMENIAN.Net - It's hard to say whether Ivanishvili will succeed in
    this or not, particularly given the fact that the president has still
    maintained his power and also enjoys Western support. The latter has
    decreased now, though. The concerns of Saakashvili's Western allies
    are clear; they do not want to see any swing to Russia at all.
    However, whether they wish it or not, the fluctuation is obvious,
    though both the Foreign Ministry and Ivanishvili claim the country's
    foreign policy course has seen no changes. Actually, this is not so.
    During his visit to Yerevan Bidzina Ivanishvili said: `I want to say
    that I have many Armenian friends both in Georgia and outside the
    country, in particular, in Russia. Prior to parliamentary elections I
    visited settlements inhabited by Armenians, and I got a hearty
    welcome. We understand each other well, and the outcome of the vote
    proved this. The government I head will do its best for Armenians to
    feel at home in our country, will make every effort to provide for
    their integration and will keep all the promises.'The topic of Armenia
    was also covered during the meeting with the Catholicos of All
    Armenians Karekin II. Ivanishvili told His Holiness that the teaching
    of the History of the Armenian People will be organized in Armenian
    schools of Georgia. As to the Armenian churches, the Georgian PM
    pledged he would personally ensure restoration of the churches, and
    all necessary actions will be taken immediately to preserve the
    Armenian churches in Georgia. With regard to release of the Armenian
    political activist in Javakhk Vahagn Chakhalyan, Ivanishvili said the
    issue is under consideration now.

    Of course, the meeting in Yerevan touched upon the question of
    potential restoration of Abkhaz railway communication; still, this
    requires settlement of several issues. `I believe this is possible...You
    know, there are no problems in relations between Georgia and Armenia.
    Still, we have a very big problem in relations with Russia. The
    problems were huge, and unfortunately, they remain so up today. We
    strongly hope and try to restore and normalize the ties with Russia as
    soon as possible. The hardest and most challenging issues are those
    related to Georgia's territorial integrity... This issue, perhaps,
    will not be settled soon,' Ivanishvili said adding that the problems
    can be settled quicker and easier if all parties demonstrate the will
    to do so. The Georgian side voiced its committment for this.

    Reaction of Georgian president Saakashvili followed immediately.
    `Restoration of the railway communication from Georgia to Abkhazia
    does not meet the interests of Tbilisi. The statement Ivanishvili
    voiced in Armenia raises concerns, and it does not take Georgia's
    strategic and geopolitical interests into account,' he declared.
    Saakashvili further complained that `the ties between Turkey and
    Georgia have faced serious complications.' `Many Turkish investments
    are suspended. Turkey is out key supporter in NATO integration; by
    creating problems in relations with Turkey we are losing the historic
    chance of accession to NATO. Azerbaijan is also Georgia's strategic
    partner; hence proposing issues hastily, with no serious consultation
    with all our neighbours is unacceptable. I hope this was a rash
    statement; otherwise, we are facing a heavy statement,' the Georgian
    president said. Prior to visiting Baku, Ivanishvili spoke about the
    inexpediency of Kars-Akhalkalak-Baku railway project.

    Georgian president's reaction is clear; his efforts to please his
    Muslim neighbours are collapsing now. In addition, there is the
    statement by Georgian Foreign Minister Maya Panjikidze on the
    conflicts in Caucasus that Azerbaijani media distorted and

    Actually, it's too early to speak about Georgian foreign policy's
    serious tendency towards Russia; the situation will become clear after
    the presidential elections. Still, neither Georgia nor its neighbours
    need the current diarchy; the civil war of 1990s is still fresh in
    people's mind.

    Karine Ter-Sahakian
