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IMF: Armenian Banking System Proves Resilient to Financial Crisis

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  • IMF: Armenian Banking System Proves Resilient to Financial Crisis

    Economic News (Information Agency Oreanda), Russia
    January 17, 2013 Thursday

    IMF: Armenian Banking System Proves Resilient to Financial Crisis

    Yerevan. OREANDA-NEWS . January 17, 2013. The banking system of
    Armenia proved resilient to the financial crisis and the severe
    exchange rate depreciation and GDP contraction of 2009, says the
    International Monetary Fund (IMF) in an assessment of the countrys
    financial sector, published on January 11, 2013. The resilience is in
    part due to the low level of intermediation and exposure to key
    sectors such as construction, but also because of swift efforts on the
    part of the authorities to provide support to the banking sector.
    Stress tests show that banks would be resilient to a repeated shock,
    although there are some heightened vulnerabilities, according to the
    IMFs Financial Sector Stability Assessment Program (FSAP) Update for

    The authorities show considerable commitment to embedding strong
    supervision as an expectation in Armenia said Jennifer Elliott, FSAP
    mission chief. Further work on deepening understanding of individual
    banks risk profiles and some additional reporting from banks would be
    a continuation of their progress. The system remains broadly
    appropriate for the level of development but additions will be
    required as the financial system develops.

    The country however remains vulnerable to a current account shock,
    according to the assessment. The authorities are engaged in further
    action that could be taken to protect the banking sector, including
    the introduction of a liquidity coverage ratio in foreign currency to
    ensure sufficient liquidity for the high level of dollar deposits and
    are developing more robust monitoring of foreign currency exposures of
    borrowers, because foreign currency lending generates significant
    credit risk.

    The authorities have already taken steps, since the FSAP mission, to
    strengthen the crisis management framework concluding a Memorandum of
    Understanding between the central bank and Ministry of Finance.

    The Financial Sector Assessment Program, established in 1999, is a
    comprehensive and in-depth assessment of a countrys financial sector.
    To assess the stability of the financial sector, IMF teams examine the
    soundness of the banking and other financial sub-sectors; rate the
    quality of bank, insurance, payments, and capital market supervision
    against accepted international standards; and evaluate the ability of
    supervisors, policymakers, and financial safety nets to respond
    effectively to a systemic crisis. While FSAPs do not evaluate the
    health of individual financial institutions and cannot predict or
    prevent financial crises, they identify the main vulnerabilities that
    could trigger one.
