January 23, 2013
Since April 2012, Al Qaeda-related groups are establishing Sharia
law on territories under their control following the Taliban scenario.
Over the past 200 and even 300 years Africa has caused much trouble
to its mother countries. Colonialism is not a good thing, indeed,
but in addition to various diseases, it offered literacy and certain
state management skills to Africans. Mother countries were to vanish
sooner or later, this was out of question.
PanARMENIAN.Net - In September 1960, the Republic of Mali gained
independence from France, along with nearly all former colonies.
Almost immediately, inter-tribal and inter-confessional war broke out.
In view of the huge amount of armament in Africa, the current
developments in Mali are quite natural, so are those occurring earlier
in Somalia, Ethiopia, Rwanda and Nigeria. Others may join the list; any
African county faces lots of problems including poverty, hunger, and
diseases. This is the key reason of hostilities in the Black Continent,
along with the religious factor which became dominant recently.
90% of Malians are Sunni Muslims, with some elements of pagan African
beliefs; 3% are Christian Catholics, 2% Christians following various
protestant trends and 5% adhere to indigenous or traditional animist
beliefs. The Malians consider themselves a deeply religious nation
and take pride in this; however, Mali is officially considered to be
"secular Muslim state".
Islamists will always be ones. In 2012, they destroyed Timbuktu. The
latter is listed among UNESCO World Heritage sites and hosts ancient
shrines of Islamic saints worshipped by Sufi Muslims. Ansar Dine,
a grouping of Islamic fundamentalists linked to Al-Qaeda believes
saint worshipping to be idolatry. The group members already ruined
some ancient mausolea in Timbuktu.
The UN Security Council condemned the destruction of the tombs and
warned that it could constitute a war crime. It means that a case
could be referred to the International Criminal Court (ICC) in Hague.
The ICC prosecutor Fatou Bensouda dubbed the destruction of Timbuktu
monuments a war crime. Timbuktu is also known as the "City of 333
saints". Ideology of Ansar Dine movement prohibits saint worship
considering this idolatrous. Meanwhile, for Muslims following
traditional forms of Islam, particularly the Sufis, this kind of
veneration is a common practice.
Nomad Tuaregs who fled Libya after collapse of Gaddafi's regime first
conquered the almost uninhabited part of Sahara; later, they had to
yield to radical Islamists. Since last April, groups associated with Al
Qaeda are establishing Sharia law on territories under their control
following the Taliban scenario: they destroy ancient monuments, ban
Western lifestyle and organize public executions of those who disobey.
Fearing that Mali may become a second Afghanistan in the zone
of French interests, French leader Francois Hollande opted for
intervention. The move was authorized five days ago without the
parliament's consent; however, the Constitution does not require
an agreement in this case. The French president facing decreasing
popularity and being widely accused of lacking decision, first came
up as the commander-in-chief.
"If I hadn't taken this decision, it would have been too late. The
country would have been entirely captured by terrorists, who would
have been in a position of strength not only in Mali, but also able
to put pressure on neighbouring countries as well. The decision is
legal and lies within the framework of international legislation and
UN Security Council resolutions," Hollande declared.
The ongoing French military operation in Mali is named after the
African wild cat Serval. The first offensives were launched 400
kilometers north to capital Bamako. These territories have been out
of the government's control for a year already.
"We are opposed by most cruel, fanatic and well-organized terrorist
groups. We knew the operation would be a tough one; we are facing over
a thousand of armed terrorists," French Defense Minister Jean-Yves
Le Drian said.
France is building up its troops in Mali from 800 to 2500 now, and the
neighbouring African states will soon arrive to support the French,
while NATO allies are providing the transport and communication.
The United Nation grounded the military operation in Mali by the
current inability to hold a dialogue with armed groups, U.N. Secretary
General Ban Ki-moon told the journalists on Tuesday.
Tensions are high in Mali during the past weeks; extremist militants
launch attacks on governmental troops in central part of the country.
The French troops arrived on January 10 to help the authorities,
with around 2000 militaries deployed in Mali now. Militaries from
Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) have also joined
the operation.
The conflict broke out in spring 2012 following a coup in Bamako
when Tuaregs and armed Islamist groups seized the region; a large
territory including Timbuktu has since been under their control.
Currently the Bamako authorities are opposed by militants of the
extremist alliance which includes Ansar Dine, Al-Qaeda in the Islamic
Maghreb, as well as Movement for Unity and Jihad in West Africa.
Meanwhile, the European Union will allocate 50 million euros to
support the deployment of ECOWAS forces in Mali. Deployment of 5800
African troops in Mali to help the governmental forces fight against
the Islamists will total to at least $500 mln. EU already provided 20
mln euros for refugee assistance in December 2012. The situation has
deteriorated since then, and additional funding is required. Another
20 mln euros will be allotted for food and first aid supplies for
150 000 people. In 2012, EU assistance to Mali made 111 mln euros.
Karine Ter-Sahakian
January 23, 2013
Since April 2012, Al Qaeda-related groups are establishing Sharia
law on territories under their control following the Taliban scenario.
Over the past 200 and even 300 years Africa has caused much trouble
to its mother countries. Colonialism is not a good thing, indeed,
but in addition to various diseases, it offered literacy and certain
state management skills to Africans. Mother countries were to vanish
sooner or later, this was out of question.
PanARMENIAN.Net - In September 1960, the Republic of Mali gained
independence from France, along with nearly all former colonies.
Almost immediately, inter-tribal and inter-confessional war broke out.
In view of the huge amount of armament in Africa, the current
developments in Mali are quite natural, so are those occurring earlier
in Somalia, Ethiopia, Rwanda and Nigeria. Others may join the list; any
African county faces lots of problems including poverty, hunger, and
diseases. This is the key reason of hostilities in the Black Continent,
along with the religious factor which became dominant recently.
90% of Malians are Sunni Muslims, with some elements of pagan African
beliefs; 3% are Christian Catholics, 2% Christians following various
protestant trends and 5% adhere to indigenous or traditional animist
beliefs. The Malians consider themselves a deeply religious nation
and take pride in this; however, Mali is officially considered to be
"secular Muslim state".
Islamists will always be ones. In 2012, they destroyed Timbuktu. The
latter is listed among UNESCO World Heritage sites and hosts ancient
shrines of Islamic saints worshipped by Sufi Muslims. Ansar Dine,
a grouping of Islamic fundamentalists linked to Al-Qaeda believes
saint worshipping to be idolatry. The group members already ruined
some ancient mausolea in Timbuktu.
The UN Security Council condemned the destruction of the tombs and
warned that it could constitute a war crime. It means that a case
could be referred to the International Criminal Court (ICC) in Hague.
The ICC prosecutor Fatou Bensouda dubbed the destruction of Timbuktu
monuments a war crime. Timbuktu is also known as the "City of 333
saints". Ideology of Ansar Dine movement prohibits saint worship
considering this idolatrous. Meanwhile, for Muslims following
traditional forms of Islam, particularly the Sufis, this kind of
veneration is a common practice.
Nomad Tuaregs who fled Libya after collapse of Gaddafi's regime first
conquered the almost uninhabited part of Sahara; later, they had to
yield to radical Islamists. Since last April, groups associated with Al
Qaeda are establishing Sharia law on territories under their control
following the Taliban scenario: they destroy ancient monuments, ban
Western lifestyle and organize public executions of those who disobey.
Fearing that Mali may become a second Afghanistan in the zone
of French interests, French leader Francois Hollande opted for
intervention. The move was authorized five days ago without the
parliament's consent; however, the Constitution does not require
an agreement in this case. The French president facing decreasing
popularity and being widely accused of lacking decision, first came
up as the commander-in-chief.
"If I hadn't taken this decision, it would have been too late. The
country would have been entirely captured by terrorists, who would
have been in a position of strength not only in Mali, but also able
to put pressure on neighbouring countries as well. The decision is
legal and lies within the framework of international legislation and
UN Security Council resolutions," Hollande declared.
The ongoing French military operation in Mali is named after the
African wild cat Serval. The first offensives were launched 400
kilometers north to capital Bamako. These territories have been out
of the government's control for a year already.
"We are opposed by most cruel, fanatic and well-organized terrorist
groups. We knew the operation would be a tough one; we are facing over
a thousand of armed terrorists," French Defense Minister Jean-Yves
Le Drian said.
France is building up its troops in Mali from 800 to 2500 now, and the
neighbouring African states will soon arrive to support the French,
while NATO allies are providing the transport and communication.
The United Nation grounded the military operation in Mali by the
current inability to hold a dialogue with armed groups, U.N. Secretary
General Ban Ki-moon told the journalists on Tuesday.
Tensions are high in Mali during the past weeks; extremist militants
launch attacks on governmental troops in central part of the country.
The French troops arrived on January 10 to help the authorities,
with around 2000 militaries deployed in Mali now. Militaries from
Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) have also joined
the operation.
The conflict broke out in spring 2012 following a coup in Bamako
when Tuaregs and armed Islamist groups seized the region; a large
territory including Timbuktu has since been under their control.
Currently the Bamako authorities are opposed by militants of the
extremist alliance which includes Ansar Dine, Al-Qaeda in the Islamic
Maghreb, as well as Movement for Unity and Jihad in West Africa.
Meanwhile, the European Union will allocate 50 million euros to
support the deployment of ECOWAS forces in Mali. Deployment of 5800
African troops in Mali to help the governmental forces fight against
the Islamists will total to at least $500 mln. EU already provided 20
mln euros for refugee assistance in December 2012. The situation has
deteriorated since then, and additional funding is required. Another
20 mln euros will be allotted for food and first aid supplies for
150 000 people. In 2012, EU assistance to Mali made 111 mln euros.
Karine Ter-Sahakian