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Whose Will Side Armenian Army Take To?

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  • Whose Will Side Armenian Army Take To?


    The army in Egypt removed the president of this country Mohammad
    Mursi. On June 30 Egypt burst into mass protests against Mursi's
    policy. The army took to the side of demonstrators and gave Mursi
    two days to resign. After two days the army announced that Mursi is
    not president and designated an interim government.

    During last year's demonstrations in Egypt the army supported the
    demonstrators as well and refused to obey Mubarak's orders.

    In Egypt, like in Turkey, the armed forces have a specific status.

    They are the guarantors of secularism and have the right to intervene
    in internal affairs. In Turkey the army has carried out several coups
    in the 20th centuries when Islamic parties claimed to power.

    In Egypt the army maintains this status. In Turkey Erdogan's party
    which is an Islamic party and has become the victim of the army for
    several times tried to behead the General Staff removing from the army
    several influential military officers within the case of Ergenekon.

    In Armenia there are precedents of involving the army in internal
    affairs. In 1995 and 1996 the army was used to keep the All-Armenian
    National Movement and Levon Ter-Petrosyan in government. In 1997 the
    army had a key role in the coup d'etat. Later the army was used for
    different internal matters which culminated in March 2008.

    As soon as Serzh Sargsyan assumed the post of president, he legitimized
    army intervention in internal affairs, when in case of "emergency
    situations" the Police and NSS forces are not enough.

    Besides, Serzh Sargsyan has highlighted the role of the army for many
    times, announcing that the state must be built on the basis of the
    army, and the government agencies must act in accordance with this
    logic. In fact, he has "subjected" the state apparatus to the army.

    However, the army and the General Staff do not have the same
    constitutional status as in Turkey or Egypt.

    The reference to the army is, perhaps, the only tramp card and pillar
    of the government which has a lack of legitimacy, governance crisis,
    no enforcement of constitutional norms. Having been able to set up
    constitutional mechanisms for governance and organization of life,
    the Armenian government has had to rely on the law enforcement
    and security agencies, namely the army through which the issue of
    reelection was resolved.

    In this regard, control over the law enforcement and security agencies
    is the guarantee of the government. It goes without saying that during
    the meeting on budget expenditure Serzh Sargsyan was angry with the
    head of the Control Chamber for "questioning" the expenditure of the
    army budget.

    Haik Aramyan 16:08 04/07/2013 Story from News:
