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Serj Tankian On His Symphony, Jazz Fusion Record, And Moving Forward

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  • Serj Tankian On His Symphony, Jazz Fusion Record, And Moving Forward


    Huffington Post
    July 2 2013

    Posted: 07/02/2013 12:24 pm
    Andrew Fish.

    There's a chill I get sometimes when I know I've dug too far into
    someone's work or philosophy during an interview, a silent request
    to change the topic before things get weird. I've never felt that
    with Serj Tankian, no matter what I've ever asked him, which is one
    of the reasons I was looking forward to talking with him again. He's
    basically the ideal subject -- friendly and articulate with a seemingly
    bottomless aptitude for detail -- so when I learned I'd be connecting
    with him about his full-orchestra album and new jazz record, I knew
    I wouldn't have to hold back.

    Known for his high-decibel, borderline operatic vocals, Tankian has
    been taking some creative quiet time, at least in a relative sense.

    Even as he's back to rocking live with System of a Down, his two latest
    solo projects are comparatively low-key. Released this month is Orca,
    his first traditional symphony, recorded at Brucknerhaus in Linz,
    Austria, and on July 23rd comes Jazz-iz Christ, a wide-net jazz
    fusion project -- both featuring elements of traditional Armenian
    melodies. Tankian's new efforts have actually been completed for
    over a year, but he waited to release them in order to get Harakiri,
    his 2012 rock record, off the ground first. "I didn't want to release
    three records at once," he laughs during our Iconic Interview chat.

    "I'd be in the studio all day," Tankian recalls of the period when
    production of all three overlapped. "Let's say I'd sent a song out
    to the flautist in Switzerland to add some flutes. I'd be working
    on Harakiri and I'd get an email saying, 'I uploaded the flute solo
    to your Dropbox.' So I take a break from the Harakiri song, download
    the flute solo, throw it into the jazz track, balance it, see where
    it's sitting, make some changes, and go back to the Harakiri track --
    that kind of a thing." On his constant shifting of gears, he offers,
    "Your mind is not segmented like genres of music on the radio. It's
    open. As an artist, as a writer, as a musician -- whatever your
    moniker of choice -- it all comes from the same source."

    Meticulously assembled and packed with guts and pathos, the albums
    come through as musical meditations with a subtle brand of buildup
    and climax. Tankian's favorite moment of Orca is its quietest,
    at around six minutes when it breaks down to a single cello and a
    couple of piano chords. "At that moment," he says, "my eyes would
    always water up, and I'm like, what the fuck? I would ask myself,
    why is that moment of this piece, without lyrics, without a context
    of what this actually means, doing this to me? To me, that's the
    beautiful thing about being able to do this. As an artist, I'm very,
    very lucky that I can introduce different speaking patterns, those
    emotions, that I haven't been able to in the past."

    Tankian has worked in the orchestral arena before, when he morphed his
    first solo album into his second and recorded 2010's Elect the Dead
    Symphony with the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra. Jazz-iz Christ,
    on the other hand, injects electro-pop, dance-hall synth, funk, and
    classical into old-school jazz, and it's unlike anything we've heard
    from him before -- and it's wild. "Jazz, to me, is an improvisational
    genre," he says. "It's what you want to make it. It's technically
    designed as such. The beautiful thing is the moment, and jazz is a
    music of the moment." With Orca and Jazz-iz Christ, Tankian has set
    himself free and you can feel it.

    The multi-genre musician and singer will tour with System of a Down
    in late July and August and then take his symphony through Europe
    in September. I asked if tensions would need to be addressed before
    SOAD starts up again, after the online hubbub a few weeks back about
    the state of the next System album. "Before we play together, we'll
    definitely share a coffee and have a conversation about it; that's not
    an issue," Tankian shares. Regarding a new album, he adds that "you
    need each other to do it together, and everyone's got to be on the
    same page." To clarify, I sent Tankian a note after our interview --
    does he see himself committing to a new System record at some point?

    The answer I received was "Yes."

    Read the full interview at To learn more, visit or For a taste of Jazz-iz Christ,
    check out this "Waitomo Caves" track for some serious funk and one
    of the truly dopest distorted flute solos.
